



































Entries by daily relish (663)


Congratulations Cathy Fischer! 

Chosen at random, Cathy Fischer is the lucky winner of the jute Lola sample! Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment! It was so fun to read through them and hear your feedback. 

Cathy's comment: "Wow......I love all the bags and great colors but I'm in LOVE with this one! It would be a pleasure to carry my camera in this baby!!! And since I'm just getting my business started oh it would be awesome to win one since it will be a while before I can get one!"

Congratulations and best wishes to you in your new business! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 



Alli The Great

Once upon a time I went to Nashville to photograph one of the new fall styles. Alli had graciously agreed to be the next Epiphanie model. And in true form, I made things more complicated than they needed to be by organizing a girls trip around it because:

1. I am addicted to girls' trips. 

2. I think work and play should converge whenever possible.

3. No photo shoot is complete without a little bruising

It was such a great time. I'm now an advocate for planning random girls' trips around any sort of business travel. Dental conference in Des Moines? Realtor meeting in Bakersfield? Party.

...The only thing is that I might have extended my complication extravaganza a little too much, by deciding to entirely change the design of the new style ... oohhhh you know weeks AFTER our shoot.


1. I am clearly allergic to simplicity. And there is not even a 2 or 3. 

Sooo, I won't be posting the photos from the first bag because I've since broken up with it. But I do have a few of Alli that we just took for fun. And she is too cute not to plaster all over the internet. 

Alli is The Quintessential Southern Belle in the loveliest sense. 

My favorite:

If you don't know Alli, she is (among other things) founder of all things Blissdom. I think she is also Czar of the Internet

And this look, including the belt that was cut from a pair of orange TIGHTS was crafted by amazing Macgyver Stylist: Erin Loechner


Epiphanie Sample Give Away!

Before we decide to produce a new style or color, we receive lots of samples. Some are great. Some are abominations. You think I'm kidding? 

Meet Exhibit A: Never Produced Camera Bag of Horrors. 

Normally the beastly samples (as seen above) get tossed. The great bags go into production. And the okay bags stack up in the purgatory corner of my office.

Exhibit B: The Lola bag in bone colored jute fabric. 

In the past, I've just waited for friends to come visit and pick through the ones they want. But today I thought it would be fun to give one away. Because this is a sample, the winner will be the lucky owner of a limited edition of ONE. To enter, just comment below. I'll choose a random winner and announce it here by Friday at noon.

Good luck! 


Family Portrait Session: Ortiz-Wilson

Just realized I forgot to post this session. We shot this about a hundred years ago.

My "studio" used to be my garage. Ryan and Jacqueline have been with me since then, since their first maternity session. I love them for that. Also because they're just genuinely kind-hearted people. 

Jacqueline and her daughter are like mirror images of each other.

Reid is not a baby anymore!

I know this one's blurry, but I love it.
I've lost count of how many sessions we've done together, but you can find some of the others here, herehere and here.  


Miscellaneous Weekend

1. My camera I'm not super technical, but I'm pretty sure parts of your camera aren't supposed to fall out when you change lenses.

Someone might have been overzealous the other day when she took her good camera to the beach, and exposed it to three days of salt, sand and neglect.  Oops. 

It doesn't help that my usual solution for "fixing" cameras is to purchase a new one, justifying it by saying I need the others as back ups. But "back ups" aren't as effective when you never take them in. So until I fix my 20D, 40D, and (now) 5D this blog will be brought to you by iPhone.

But let's not dwell on that. 

2. Wine anyone? My friend Shelly came over for an impromptu glass yesterday. She's a fancy girl who tells fancy stories about people who use frozen grapes to chill their drinks.

You know, instead of ice. Because who would ever be so tacky as to put ice in their wine? 

Oh, wait. ...with pizza too even.

3. Let's talk about Seaweed. My mom has been pushing Nori on us for years. She'd visit, leave a pack in our cabinet, and we'd eat it because even though it wasn't good, it wasn't bad. And maybe we liked the novelty of eating paper. But then I found these in the health food store. They're so good, and an awesome substitute for chips if you're craving salty/crunchy. I've become addicted, and have been pushing them on everyone who crosses my path. Most people love them. Some people (Shelly) might have said yesterday that the Sea could keep its "Gifts". But she is just ungrateful. 

4. "Unleash the taste". My husband has a tendency to get distracted. Like recently, he went to Home Goods for lawn furniture and came out with curry sauce. It was so good, I'm starting not to question his field trips. 

5. My boy builds coffins. Maybe it's morbid, but I've been playing this song out. I think it's a beautiful reminder of how short our time is here.  

by Florence and the Machine

6. My boy brews beer. Sometimes it's drinkable. You should come over. 

7. My office is a mess, but I'm digging the process of decorating it. There's something so liberating about creating a space that doesn't matter to anyone but you.

Hello purple blue wall of delicious. 

I hope your weekend is filled with lovely miscellaneousness too.