



































Entries in Families (77)


Family Portrait Session: Ortiz-Wilson

Just realized I forgot to post this session. We shot this about a hundred years ago.

My "studio" used to be my garage. Ryan and Jacqueline have been with me since then, since their first maternity session. I love them for that. Also because they're just genuinely kind-hearted people. 

Jacqueline and her daughter are like mirror images of each other.

Reid is not a baby anymore!

I know this one's blurry, but I love it.
I've lost count of how many sessions we've done together, but you can find some of the others here, herehere and here.  


Family Portrait Session: Sanchez

This is one of my oldest, dearest friends. We grew up together. I love her and her family.

A couple years ago when I was in San Francisco, I photographed her family of three. Then last year, after they'd grown to four.

Then in the perfect demonstration of how behind I am at posting, last week they welcomed Charlotte Sophie into the world, officially turning themselves into a family of FIVE! I think I'm going to be back in San Francisco around the beginning of October. Hopefully I'll get to photograph them again. And if you're in the area, let me know if you want to book a session to photograph you, too. 

Speaking of San Francisco, Melissa writes an awesome blog called Savvy in San Francisco. I've said before how she's always been the kind of person who knows something about everything. Whether you're flying to Paris and want to know the best place to have a picnic, or whether you're looking for the perfect nail polish, she is that friend that you call first. Which is why I was so thrilled when she started putting all of her amazing knowledge out into the world. 

Congrats again Sanchez fam! Love you. xoxo


Family Portrait Session: Bammel

I think this was our third or fourth session together. The first one was a belly shoot for their oldest. Sometimes it's hard to believe how fast families grow.

I love the Americana feel of this one.

Michelle is also a fantastic veterinarian. If you're in San Antonio and ever need one, I would definitely recommend her.


Family Portrait Session: DeWall

Remember my friend DeAnna? She's the Jewelry Whisperer. Her sister and brother in law recently had a baby. So I swung by to grab a few shots of them. 

I want to kidnap those biscuits. 

This one is my favorite. Sweet baby back.
 So pretty.

Come back tomorrow, I'm on a roll! :)


Family Portrait Session: Rodriguez

Gorgeous family. Fun summer session. 



More tomorrow! xo