



































Entries in Give Aways (4)


Epiphanie Sample Give Away!

Before we decide to produce a new style or color, we receive lots of samples. Some are great. Some are abominations. You think I'm kidding? 

Meet Exhibit A: Never Produced Camera Bag of Horrors. 

Normally the beastly samples (as seen above) get tossed. The great bags go into production. And the okay bags stack up in the purgatory corner of my office.

Exhibit B: The Lola bag in bone colored jute fabric. 

In the past, I've just waited for friends to come visit and pick through the ones they want. But today I thought it would be fun to give one away. Because this is a sample, the winner will be the lucky owner of a limited edition of ONE. To enter, just comment below. I'll choose a random winner and announce it here by Friday at noon.

Good luck! 



Congratulations Christiana! You're the lucky winner of Karen's lovely book, The Beauty of Different!

Photo by Karen Walrond

Also, I always love to check out the winners' websites. This morning, on Christiane's I found a life list painted in chalk on an abandoned building. Love that!

Congratulations again! And thanks to everyone who left such sweet comments. 


Good Monday! 

Today is Epiphanie's birthday! In order to celebrate, we're offering a (one-and-only time for 2010) discount code, and WE'RE GIVING AWAY ANOTHER CANON 5D! Details are here, come play!

I'm off for a lightning quick trip to Orange county. Will be posting here if you want to come along. :)

Taken yesterday with the iPhone and ShakeIt app, after I took the girls for their first pedicure. I used to judge moms that did this kind of stuff with their "too-young" kids. But they had SO MUCH fun, and please. How adorable are these toes? 

Have a great start to your week everyone!


Which would you pick?

A new Canon 5D Mark II or a $2500 gift card to Southwest??? Please come over and play!  :)