



































Entries in Local Personalities (16)


Shelly Miles and her girls

My friend Shelly came by the studio the other day. We took a few newslady-ish shots so she could update her photos at work. 

"Hello, I'm approachable yet serious interviewer Shelly Miles. Tell me all your secrets Brangelina."

She also needed a few shots for her daughter's dance competitions. They happen to be prodigy superstars who travel throughout the year winning up all the awards in Texas. 

12 years old people.  

Then we went outside and took some funner pictures. Is funner a word? Spell check is not underlining it. Weird. 

Happy hump day. Also, thanks everyone who commented on the last post to say you're still reading. I love you guys. xo


Family Portrait Session: Ortiz-Wilson

Just realized I forgot to post this session. We shot this about a hundred years ago.

My "studio" used to be my garage. Ryan and Jacqueline have been with me since then, since their first maternity session. I love them for that. Also because they're just genuinely kind-hearted people. 

Jacqueline and her daughter are like mirror images of each other.

Reid is not a baby anymore!

I know this one's blurry, but I love it.
I've lost count of how many sessions we've done together, but you can find some of the others here, herehere and here.  


The Ortiz-Wilsons 

I've had the pleasure of photographing the Ortiz-Wilsons since before Mia was born. They're always fun to hang with, and super easy to photograph because they're not afraid to show affection. (*hint to all those potential clients out there: Photographers LOVE PDAs!). So, this time we went to Guadalupe State Park. Ryan is an outdoorsy guy from Seattle and brings the kids here a lot. So this spot had special meaning for them. Not surprisingly, I'd never been... because as Jason likes to say to our children when I'm screaming about frogs in the house, "Your mom is not a fan of nature". Well, I'm definitely going back when it gets hot again. So THERE. I actually am a fan of nature, as long as it's nice and easy, doesn't require dealing with critters, hiking, sweating, or having to pee into anything other than a toilet. On that lovely note.

Meet Jacqueline and Ryan and their cutie pattooties (again).  :)

Thanks Ryan and Jackie! :)


the Barrys

It started as a fabulous morning. The sun was hot, the air was cold. Me, my coffee and Stone Temple Pilots were on the way to Seguin for the first shoot of the day. Only that shoot turned out to be about 45 minutes OUTSIDE of town. And I got WAY lost on the way. And that put me on a path of destruction for the day. To make matters worse I had no cell service so I was completely panicking. By the time I showed up to the Barry's lake house, where they had been DRESSED UP and WAITING for hours, I wanted to crawl under a hole and die. Or be struck down by lightning. Wondering how possible it could be to will myself to spontaneously combust, I forced myself to drive up to their door. Quickly scanning for snipers and resisting the urge to cry, I was met with what is probably the most gracious family I've ever photographed. Even though they were then late for their own plans that weekend, they rocked out a their session like nobody's business, and were so amazing and understanding. Plus, let's be real. They all look like hired models, so it's not like they could take a bad photo if they tried. Thank you for being so sweet Barry Family. You guys are awesome.

You probably recognize Brent because he used to play for the Spurs, and then the Rockets. And Erin works with the Heart Gallery and the city helping kids in need and doing social work. I know that San Antonio is really glad to have them back!



I feel a random post coming on. Maybe it's the rain. Or maybe it's because my diet Coke addiction is taking over my concentration skills. The aspartame is melting my organs as I type, but OOOHH it's such a nice calorie-free pick up. I think I'll cut back as soon as my hair starts falling out (again). Or at least I'll start looking into some good wigs. 

SO. I was on Living again today. And no matter how many times I go on the show, there's always this moment right before the camera pans over, that I'm 100% sure I'm going to break into Terrets. At first my inner dialogue is very zen: "Nerves are good. They mean that you're pushing yourself. Absorb it, and watch yourself get through. It's not about perfection, it's just about doing."  

Then Shelly goes, "So, Maile tell us all about senior portraits."


And then my mouth opens, and is miraculously not talking about my butt. And I'm so euphoric about it, that by the end I want to kiss, and hug, and dog-pile everyone on set. And ask for their addresses so I can mail them cards at Christmas.

And then the adrenaline high starts to wear off. But it's okay because I have my diet Coke to keep me going. And my wigs.  

So if you're inclined, here's the segment. There isn't a direct link, so just click on "The New Look Of Senior Portraits". And also, call now if you want to get in on the special! April 4th is going to fill up fast!

Okay, changing the subject. I was overwhelmed by all the nice comments you left here, and over at Shutter Sisters yesterday. Truth be told, I was so nervous to post them. The whole project is WAY out of my comfort zone. But that's also why I knew I had to do it. And you guys were so incredibly kind. So THANK YOU. Truly. THANKS. You all are awesome. OH! And I will post the winner tomorrow. Or maybe if I get enough done this afternoon, tonight. LATE though.

So in the spirit of randomness, I thought I'd snap a shot of mahsehlf right this minute at my desk, while I still have my fake lashes on. Aren't they purrrty? I was hoping my lashes would be so big that they'd make my butt look smaller on TV. (shhhhh!) And since I always like it when people do this on their blogs, I'll tell you what's all up in my junk behind me on my fairly new IKEA cabinet that was supposed to keep me all organized, yo.

Or not so much.

Links: Kal, Tri-Vita, TraceyLensbaby

And now it's back to WURRRK. There is so much to get done before I leave for Oregon on Sunday. I can't even begin to wrap my head around it all. 

I think it's time for another Diet Coke.