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One of the bummers about not getting to post as often, is that you think you should have something monumental to say when you do. When you post every day, i'ts like "here's another cup of coffee, big whoop." So, that's my warning that nothing monumental is coming your way. My life still mostly consists of keyboards and late nights. But I am going to hire someone to help me next month. And I've resolved to (at least try to) stop whining about my work/family life imbalance. I know I have to fix it, so I will. She says with much more confidence than she really feels inside.

So, this minute I'm loving my tendency toward early-onset senility. I'm listening to the Chili Peppers as if they are a new break-out band. It's been long enough that they seem new again. Only there's still so much nostalgia because I burned out all their albums when I was in my 20s. (Lisa if your'e reading, I still think of you every time I hear Under the Bridge). Now where did I put that Metamucil? Well, I should be honest and say that I'm also listening to their new(er) stuff. And that the opening riff to Snow is like the end of the day, plus 3 beers. Go listen if you're in a bad mood!

There has been so much going on. I keep meaning to post Katy's C-Section shoot, which was quite possibly my favorite shoot of my career. I just need to put it together as a slideshow. Because stories like that need music to sing with the pictures.

The Hot Mama shoot on Saturday was really chill. We had so much fun, and things went so smoothly...clicking along on time and everything. We went for drinks afterwards, and kept commenting about how we couldn't find chaos anywhere. I also realized that Hot Mama shoots are more than playing dress-up for a day. They're a way for women to remember parts of themselves that we all tend to forget about. They are a necessity. And SO FUN! I love the team we have going with Tina doing the catering, Robyn doing makeup and Tonie doing hair. Everyone is so good at what they do. It's smooth sailing. Only bad thing is that I'm so swamped, it might take me fourteen years to edit through them. 

In the mean time, here are some shots from Easter. 


















Come visit me at Shutter Sisters in the morning!



Oh happy day.

I'm not sure what's better in life, than getting surprise packages from your FAVORITE ARTIST, of one of your FAVORITE PAINTINGS. Look what brightened up my whole day yesterday!



And just in case you can't read the words, here is a better look. This is going to be matted, framed and hung right next to the front door. I love this whole idea. And I think everyone should have a Worry Bucket at their door.


I always love her words as much as her paintings. And if you want another perfect example, she happens to have one right here today. I relate so much to her self portrait. I'm going to buy a print, and put it next to the mirror in my bathroom. 

I think this is a good start to a great weekend. It's beautiful today. The windows are open. Dina's putting laundry away. YES, you read it right. You'd have thought that I was bungee jumping for the courage I had to muster up. But three weeks ago, I got the nerve to ask her (again)...and she's been doing it ever since. Folding, and putting away little pieces of my sanity every week. Like rows of Prozac hanging in my closet.

Although, there's not much of it since I threw out all my clothes the other day. I think Spring got into me, and I decided that if I didn't LOVE it, I was pitching it. I've been in the same outfit ever since. Thought it would be good motivation to lose weight if I didn't buy anything new. So I did do the eliptical machine with DD yesterday, and highly recommend gossiping while exercising. It makes the time fly, and it's free therapy.

For more happy starts into the weekend: My friend Tracy (from California, who I haven't seen in maybe ten years...hi tracy!) sent me this link. I know you've probably seen it, but it's worth watching again. It always makes me cry in a good way. And then when you're done crying, you can go here for a laugh. My mom sent me that one this morning too. "I love Jesus, but I like to drink". She's my kind of girl.

Have a great weekend peeps! And if you're coming to the Hot Mama shoot tomorrow, get ready for a FUN DAY!! Can't wait! :)


Brooke Burke's Nursery Shoot

Katy's nursery design came out in this weeks issue of In Touch!  So here are a few shots of the ones I took of Brooke Burke. There will be more when the Pregnancy and Newborn article comes out in a couple of weeks.


Until then, here are a few snapshots of everyone putting it together. This is the fabulous Tracy from Petite Suites. You have to check out her amazing portfolio of children's paintings and murals. She's so talented, and also really easy-going, and fun. And FAST. She busted out this whole wall in a DAY! 

She is also Michael Jordan with a paint roller.   :)


I just think this is funny. Fancy sushi on the paint protector. And it was so good too...especially those tuna rolls. Not that it was shocking to find great sushi in Malibu. :) But if you're there, it was from a place called Bui. I'm getting hungry just typing about it.


While we were there, Brooke surprised everyone by having her friend, who owns a jewelry business, come and let us pick something out. Very sweet. I love my necklace and wear it all the time. I wish I could remember the name of her business so I could link to it. So if anyone does, please leave it in the comments. 


Their house was still under construction when we were there. And when we went to leave the first night, we realized that the construction crew had mistakenly locked us onto the property. 


So our choices were to scale the fence, with 8-months-prego Katy (who probably would have done it, considering she had already been teetering herself on ladders all day)...OR, hike through the bushes in someone's yard. We opted for trespassing. Here is DD traipsing through someone's meticulous garden. I wish I had a photograph of her screaming about the Killer Malibu Bullfrog, and almost dropping all of Brooke Burke's crib toole into the mud.  :)  good times.




The Good, The Bad, And the Easter Shoot

Okay, a few little businessy items first. Don't miss out on the Easter shoot Saturday. DD and I are going to look for some props for it tomorrow. I already had to talk her off the ledge that there is no way we would be shooting with LIVE RABBITS. Sorry, I love you DD, but props that poop are out of the question. Should be interesting shopping since my philosophy on props is that they are made for cropping. But I'm sure we'll come up with something fun and different...and not living.  :)  


I got a  big old shipment of canvas wraps in today. Aren't they awesome? The photos don't do them justice (these are 24"x36"). And I  will say that when it comes to wall prints...bigger really is better you guys. Your wall is always larger than you  think. 


I love it when people choose candids for their canvases. Just say "no" to the khaki-pants-statue-family, posed perfectly in front of a waterfall. WOOT!canvasprinttwo.jpg

Now I'm going to whine a little, because I was supposed to be here this week. And I must be a masochist, because I've been checking their blogs daily to find out what else I'm missing out on. Have fun photo girls! I SO wish I could have been  there! (sniffle.) Number two reason that I'm bummin' out is because I had to miss girls' night out AGAIN. I think I've missed something like a thousand weeks. And tonight everyone is celebrating my good friend Tina's birthday. Sorry Tina, I'm a horribly over-worked friend who lives in solitary confinement with my keyboard. But I do hope you're having a HAPPY HAPPY WONDERFUL WOOT-A-LISCOUS BIRTHDAY! Even though it will never compare to how we celebrated last year...(this is why I'm hot). just kidding...may every year get better. Just like the wine that I know you're drinking right now, without me.  :)

And now I'm going to balance the bummer out, with two things that I'm excited about. Number one: I looked at my calendar today, and realized that March actually looks manageable. Why?, you might ask. Because I DELETED A BUNCH OF CRAP OFF OF IT. Thank you for asking :). If you've been following this blog, you know that my work/family/life balance has been a bit top heavy on the work-side of things for a WHILE. And that's not to say that I've got things figured out, because I don't. And every day, I'll probably still manage to find something to feel guilty for. BUT...I'm making PROGRESS. And learning that the most powerful word in the English language is no. No gives you your life back. Number two: As long as Lindsay Lohan doesn't have Elvis' alien love-child between now and then, my photos of Brooke Burke's nursery (designed by The One and Only) will actually be published in one of the weekly magazines this weekend! Shoot! I can't remember which one...I'll find out and let you know. And of course you know I'll have to blog all about it. I can't believe it! So cross your fingers that Paris Hilton doesn't open up her own brothel. And pray that Britney doesn't do anything extremely shocking, like purchase a pair of panties.

OH! And one more thing, I know it's late, but there was another post up at Shutter Sisters today too.

Bye!  :)



Robyn and her cute fam.

Last Saturday, I photographed my friend Robyn and her SWEET family. She is the Make Up Artist EXTRAORDINNAIRE who did the last Hot Mama shoot. And I have been lucky enough to book her for the next one on March 15th. So, if you're coming to that one, you're in for a treat. Robyn is really good at what she does. Not to mention, an amazing person. This girl jet sets all over the place with her fancy Lancome job, and STILL manages to be the room mom at her kids' school. Plus, she's just fun to hang around. Totally real, and unpretentious. And her whole family is that way! Which made these very hard to edit. So you have lots today.    :)




Paper, rock, scissors...the older ones always win. It's no fair!



This one shows how cute, she and her husband John are together.


But they're not too serious either.  :)


Robyn's sister, Natalie and her cute family joined us for their own session too. Everyone was so stylish and just EASY PEASY to photograph.





You're so lucky if you get to grow up with cousins. These ones make me miss my sister and neices.






