The Fabulous Heffron Fam

Cute Mallory and Tom and their boys Cole, Kyle, and Connor. There's always something about moms with all-boys that makes them seem like a Queen.
It was impossible to not have fun at this session. Thanks Mallory and Tom, you guys rock! Also, I mentioned in an earlier post that if you refer someone to me, you get presents...(after the person has actually done their session). So I'd like to give a shout out to Michelle Trost who referred the lovely Heffrons. She has requested a gift certificate with the fabulous Tonie. So Michelle, it's waiting for you whenever you get in to see her. :)
Have fun this weekend peeps. I'm leaving for LA on Monday (for a non-working trip) this time. Still on the fence about lugging the laptop, but if I bring it, I'll blog while I'm there.