The Good, The Bad, And the Easter Shoot

Okay, a few little businessy items first. Don't miss out on the Easter shoot Saturday. DD and I are going to look for some props for it tomorrow. I already had to talk her off the ledge that there is no way we would be shooting with LIVE RABBITS. Sorry, I love you DD, but props that poop are out of the question. Should be interesting shopping since my philosophy on props is that they are made for cropping. But I'm sure we'll come up with something fun and different...and not living. :)
I got a big old shipment of canvas wraps in today. Aren't they awesome? The photos don't do them justice (these are 24"x36"). And I will say that when it comes to wall prints...bigger really is better you guys. Your wall is always larger than you think.
I love it when people choose candids for their canvases. Just say "no" to the khaki-pants-statue-family, posed perfectly in front of a waterfall. WOOT!
Now I'm going to whine a little, because I was supposed to be here this week. And I must be a masochist, because I've been checking their blogs daily to find out what else I'm missing out on. Have fun photo girls! I SO wish I could have been there! (sniffle.) Number two reason that I'm bummin' out is because I had to miss girls' night out AGAIN. I think I've missed something like a thousand weeks. And tonight everyone is celebrating my good friend Tina's birthday. Sorry Tina, I'm a horribly over-worked friend who lives in solitary confinement with my keyboard. But I do hope you're having a HAPPY HAPPY WONDERFUL WOOT-A-LISCOUS BIRTHDAY! Even though it will never compare to how we celebrated last year...(this is why I'm hot). just kidding...may every year get better. Just like the wine that I know you're drinking right now, without me. :)
And now I'm going to balance the bummer out, with two things that I'm excited about. Number one: I looked at my calendar today, and realized that March actually looks manageable. Why?, you might ask. Because I DELETED A BUNCH OF CRAP OFF OF IT. Thank you for asking :). If you've been following this blog, you know that my work/family/life balance has been a bit top heavy on the work-side of things for a WHILE. And that's not to say that I've got things figured out, because I don't. And every day, I'll probably still manage to find something to feel guilty for. BUT...I'm making PROGRESS. And learning that the most powerful word in the English language is no. No gives you your life back. Number two: As long as Lindsay Lohan doesn't have Elvis' alien love-child between now and then, my photos of Brooke Burke's nursery (designed by The One and Only) will actually be published in one of the weekly magazines this weekend! Shoot! I can't remember which one...I'll find out and let you know. And of course you know I'll have to blog all about it. I can't believe it! So cross your fingers that Paris Hilton doesn't open up her own brothel. And pray that Britney doesn't do anything extremely shocking, like purchase a pair of panties.
OH! And one more thing, I know it's late, but there was another post up at Shutter Sisters today too.
Bye! :)
Reader Comments (6)
And go March!!! Hope this month brings more balance to you. Can't wait to see the magazine shoot! are doing great with the balancing life/family/work/sanity..."...just keep swimming..."-Dori from Finding Nemo