People Spreading Sunshine

This is an illustration from my mom's new book, A Child's Garden Of Promises. Isn't it CUTE? As kids, we didn't have coloring books, because she would just bust out her own pictures for us to color in. They were so much better because the pictures would be about us, and our life. I can still remember watching a dog, or a cat, or my Barbie materialize under her pencil. It was magical. And if you know my mom, so is she. She turns ordinary life into a celebration, every day.
When we were little, she also wrote a series of four other children's books, called The King's Alphabet. But the publisher had someone else illustrate them. This is the first one that she both wrote and illustrated. She put a ton of effort and love into every detail. And I'm really happy and proud of her. If you want a really cute kid's book, and to also support someone who is following her dreams, go here.
She worked her little arse off on Sunday helping me at the Brighton shoot. We ended up photographing 15 families at The Rose Emporium, raising $2000 for Brighton. We also got to meet SO MANY wonderful families. I know that sounds so canned, like something you just say. But I mean it. EVERY family was particularly SWEET and easy-going, and just a complete JOY to work with. So THANK YOU to all of you who came out for a session. You all helped to support a great cause. I also want to thank DD who roasted in the sun with us ALL DAY. She and Shelly brought treats and toys and were not above screaming and singing, and acting like total goofballs to get babies to smile. AND thank you to Kallie, who works for Brighton. She checked people in all day and made sure everything ran smoothly. You all totally rock. And MAJOR kudos to Shelly, who has now raised over $20,000 for Brighton! WOOT!
In our sweaty glory. Look closely, can you see my Superhero accessory?
One of the sweet families of the day. I will post more soon. I mean as soon as I edit through a billion photos. I mean later. Much later.
Lots of people talk about kindness, and it sometimes feels abstract. Then sometimes people do things like build websites for the sole purpose of spreading HOPE, and LOVE, and HAPPINESS. Some people send love notes to cities. I like those people. And I like her. So go see what she's doing, and be a part of the Hope Revolution.
Three examples of people using what they got, to GIVE. I love it.