Turtle Monday

Hi everybody! Did you have a nice weekend? I did, accidentally. My original intentions were to work through it, so I'd be ahead today. Then Saturday morning, I woke up with a huge knot in my neck. It had been getting increasingly worse for days, until Saturday I could only turn my head about 3 inches. I'd wanted Jason to rub my neck. But he kept telling me to take a bath or put a heating pad on it (handy with the ideas, that one). So instead of sitting there and pouting, I decided to take the bull by the horns and go get a massage. The girl worked ONLY on my neck for an entire hour, and it still hurt afterwards. But it was about 50% better, and bareable. And, the pain in the neck, that led to the massage, then led to fun shopping at my favorite store. And while I was out, why not top the day off with a pedicure. I felt like a teenager who was breaking curfew, but it was so worth it. The whole time I kept thinking, "Wow, this must be what a weekend feels like."
Then Sunday, I had promised Jason that it was family day, so we took the kids to the zoo. Totally fun, and worth waking up to feel like this turtle. Barely keeping my head above water.
If you're waiting for an email or a phone call, I'm hoping to catch up by late (LATE) tonight. Also, a few announcements. There are appointments available for the Easter shoot on Saturday, March 8th. Call 210-545-7217 to schedule. There is one space available for the next Hot Mama shoot on March 15th. And if you need to book a regular session on a weekend, I have an opening on Sunday, March 30th, and then nothing until May 24th. As always, weekday appointments only book out 3-4 weeks in advance. But if you need a weekend in the summer, you might want to call soon.
There are tons of photos piling up, so I hope to be a better blogger this week. And mother. Sister. Daughter. Wife. Photographer. Juggler.