Robyn and her cute fam.

Last Saturday, I photographed my friend Robyn and her SWEET family. She is the Make Up Artist EXTRAORDINNAIRE who did the last Hot Mama shoot. And I have been lucky enough to book her for the next one on March 15th. So, if you're coming to that one, you're in for a treat. Robyn is really good at what she does. Not to mention, an amazing person. This girl jet sets all over the place with her fancy Lancome job, and STILL manages to be the room mom at her kids' school. Plus, she's just fun to hang around. Totally real, and unpretentious. And her whole family is that way! Which made these very hard to edit. So you have lots today. :)
Paper, rock, scissors...the older ones always win. It's no fair!
This one shows how cute, she and her husband John are together.
But they're not too serious either. :)
Robyn's sister, Natalie and her cute family joined us for their own session too. Everyone was so stylish and just EASY PEASY to photograph.
You're so lucky if you get to grow up with cousins. These ones make me miss my sister and neices.
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