




































Shelly won!

Good Morning Monday! How was your weekend? Mine started Friday afternoon shopping for a dress with Katy and DD.

Me: I'm fat. I need something below the knee. My arms are lamb chops. I'm not trying anything on that isn't a 3/4 sleeve wrap-style.

Me in the dressing room trying on the wrap-style dress.

Katy: If it makes you feel comfortable, then get it.

Me: But what do you think?

DD: You look skinny from the side, but your hips look big from the front. And we're not tall enough for a dress below the knee. 

Katy: I think you need something more modern. (code for, "gross and boring") 

So I stepped out on a limb.


Me: I don't need another pair of black shoes, but...

DD: Yes, get shoes!

Me: I want something slinky and strappy?

DD: What are you, stuck in the 90s?

Me: Really?

So I stepped out on a limb again (in black). Well, it wasn't that much of a limb, because I might have a few similar-yet TOTALLY DIFFERENT pairs in the closet. And despite apperances, they were relatively comfortable. Even when shorty got low low low low low low low low.   :)

So here's the reason for all the limb-stepping.


Shelly won Queen of the Vine! Here she is with the other candidates and last year's Queen. I can't remember their names, but they are all amazing. Shelly raised $40,000, and collectively I think they raised over $80,000 for The Brighton School. Very cool. Although I have to say that my favorite part of this picture is little Addy in the corner eating her hair. She was the highlight of dinner, as she made her rounds to each table putting blush on everyone, including the men. I loved it! I would show more photos if I had any. But I didn't bring my camera. I thought the iPhone would suffice. But two glasses of wine in, I forgot about it. Probably best that way. After the coronation, we took a limo to Crazytown and didn't get home until almost 3.

So, I spent the better part of Saturday popping Advil so I could watch Chance's first game. Sometimes when I see a bunch of kids all together, it makes me want to cry. I'm not sure if that's normal, or if I should admit it on the www, but it happens to me all the time. Kids, especially mine, make me choke up at seemingly mundane moments. Like the other day when Chance was running down the street to catch the ice cream truck. I think I might need to sit in the back row at their weddings. 

Anyway, this one is for Nana and Papa because they are baseball FANATICS. And also for Grammy, because she was sad the other day that she hasn't seen him play a game yet. 


Two more things. The first is that I'm so jealous. Tracey got to see Anne Lamott AND Elizabeth Gilbert speak the other night, and she wrote the best post about it. Even to get to see ONE of those amazing authors, would make my life, okay I'll play it cool, year.

The second is a thank you to Cathy who sent me a sweet email this morning. Checking in to see what's the haps with my neglected blog. Thank you! :)

I'm still here. And honestly, I've been preaching on about changing things up and drawing lines, and blah blah. Well, hallelujah peeps! Because I looked at my calendar for April and there is lots of Sanity on the agenda. I might be a s--l--o--w learner. BUT, I am here to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN MAKING YOU MENTAL.

WOOT. I'll be back tomorrow. Promise. 


It's Weeednesdaaaay!

I'm here tonight today. Come visit. And bring donuts.



I finally remembered to ask Shelly which ones I could post of her, from when she did the first Hot Mama shoot.







I can't even stress how fun these shoots least for me :)  ...because honestly, they're also a TON of work. And if it weren't for how gratifying it is to get to hang with such amazing women, and see all the fun transformations, I probably wouldn't go through all the planning and details that it takes to organize them. I'd originally intended on booking one per month, but April got away. Now weekends are almost booked through the summer. But I've had a few requests for doing one around Mother's Day. So, if there's enough interest, I'll try to pull one together for that time frame. That way, you'll at least have your CD back in time for a Father's Day gift. OR, JUST TREAT YOURSELF. If you're interested, shoot me an email. I've got 4 people on a waiting list, and I think I need to limit the total number to 8 or 9.

Hope everyone's having a good day. If you're in the mood to be distracted from work (like I was), and you're a sucker for a personality test (like I am), Go here: ...I found out that I'm an "Attentive Designer"...(whatever that means). If you take it, come back and tell me what you are! I'm curious about the other possible results.  



Yo! Easter Raps...

My mom sent the cutest Easter basket. It took us half an hour to ceremoniously open each and every item that was packaged inside. Because God forbid one of the children would have chosen the candy corns, only to discover that they'd missed the chocolates buried underneath. They're just like me. I have to check EVERY station on the radio to make sure I'm listening to the best song. When I clothes shop, I have to scan through the entire store before I start to make any decisions. I LIKE TO KNOW MY OPTIONS. Anyway, thank you NANA!! 


Then my sister sent a package complete with eggs, candy, handmade cards, and star-toy of the day...The EASTER GRILL. No basket is complete without it.  


I hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend!  :0)


What's up Thursday?

So I went to see Neely today for another long overdue IPL laser treatment and totally forgot to take a before and after picture! The difference is not earth shattering, but it's nice to see the pregnancy spots slowly melting off. Is that TMI for the World Wide Web? Well, it's worth it if someone else is suffering with the lovely "Mask" that comes with birthing humans.

In other random news, I am in love with my iPhone. For as prideful as I am about not being gadgety, I don't know how I lived a day without this piece of technological crack. I'm totally addicted, and praising the day I lost my janky phone at the Hot Mama shoot.

Okay, now I have some slightly bad news. Well, it depends on your perspective. But I'm not going to be offering any more Mini Shoots. I know they were popular, but it's impossible for me to do a shoot the way I want to do it in ten minutes. And even though it probably seems like I'm a scatter brain, I'm actually very anal when it comes to my work. SO, other than MAYBE one at Halloween, no more Mini Shoots peeps. It's not all bad news though. If you're looking for a discount, I've devised a way for you to make that happen. Starting today, if you spend $100 at one of my favorite vendors (listed below), you will receive $100 off your regular sitting fee. You just have to bring in your receipt that is dated after March 20th, 2008. How cool is that? Kind of like $100 worth of cool if you  ask me.

Chic Mama

Nursery Couture

Babyvision Ultrasound

Fourseasons Cosmetics

Hmm...what else? I know I was going to say something else. Oh yeah! Thank you to everyone who has emailed, or called about applying for my little job. You guys are so cool, and I wish I could afford to hire everyone just so we could hang out and order sushi every day. If I win the lottery, let's do that. We'll only work from 9-12, and then watch reality TV and jump on the trampoline all day. Until then, I think my friend Tina is going to help me out. And her job is really not going to be so glamorous, (sorry Tina :))... I mainly just need someone to keep up with orders.

Now, I do actually have pictures. These were taken a few weeks ago, but I forgot to post them. If you read this blog at all, I'm sure you already know the fabulous Melody (who is quite the talent), and her sweet girls. She has been coming to me for a few years now. This time it was to celebrate Nalalya's seventh birthday. It's so fun watching the girls grow up, and working with all of you Melody. Thanks again!









