Christmas Cheer

What's up web-a-doodle? Believe it or not, I have a ton of "real" photos to post up here. But I can't stop talking about my couch. You know the one that is FREE from the chains of Laundry Hell...check it. Sofashank Redemption.
WHO KNEW THAT YOU COULD ASK YOUR CLEANING LADY TO DO STUFF??!! Well, I guess I technically knew that. The thought of actually doing it just made my stomach hurt. But last night the girls gave me courage, "For God sakes Maile, just ASK HER!" So, I pep-talked myself up and BOLD-FACED..taped a note to the door and RAN OUT OF THE HOUSE. I had planned on staying out until after she was gone because I wasn't wearing my bullet proof vest. But I FORGOT SOMETHING and had to come back! Jason had the day off and we sat in the driveway. Me: "Can you please go in. I'm scared." Jason: "You are being ridiculous." Me: "Maybe we should buy her a gift first. Like a basket of fruit...or a car...or maybe an island..." I walked in, and there she was...not even holding an ax. I held up my note and asked her if it was okay and she said it was. And that's when I dive-rolled out so that the bullets would be less likely to hit a moving target. I'm hard like that. Moral of the story: If you need something, ASK. They may say no, and you'll be in the same position. But you cannot imagine the euphoria when they say yes.
Speaking of Christmas, we had a little party at Tina's the other night. Every year, we play the more-naughty-than-nice white elephant game and laugh ourselves into a mess. I took hardly any photos because my camera gets moody in December. But Andrea got this shot of me and Misha Pisha Michelle. Against my better judgment, I'm posting it. I have no idea what we we're doing here, but I have apparently taken on the role of her jealous boyfriend. Do I not look like I'm trying to protect my girl? Seriously. This is why I stay BEHIND the camera. And do we love Michelle's Something About Mary hair? We just about died when we saw that in the camera.
And, I'm going to be nice and not post the photos of Tina laying on the floor wearing my PRECIOUS CHRISTMAS HEELS. BUT, I will say that my shoes were so hot that everyone was passing them around by the end of the night. That's right. I have a hard core crush on these heels, and so does everyone else who comes into contact with them.
The next morning, even after getting home at one mind you, I got up to be the overly emotional mom in the audience for Annie and Emily's Christmas program. I'm blurring out all the other kids, not to be rude, but I don't know if their parents want them up here.
There's something about all that innoncence in one place, which I find totally overwhelming. I have to think about bills and taxes to keep from ugly-crying throughout the entire program. If I let myself think about how much I adore the cuteness on the stage, I will completely lose it.
Alright, it's saturday morning and that's a great thing. Enjoy the weekend y'all.
Oh wait, I've been cyber-stalking my friend Kal because I think she may have had her baby and can't wait to hear (because I'm sure having just had a baby, she has nothing else to do than BLOG). If you're inclined, would you please send her cupcakes and sleep wishes today!
Reader Comments (14)
I think this is the first time I've posted a comment to your blog, but I've been reading for a little while now. I really enjoy hearing what you have to say and love the imagery.
Happy Saturday.
Oh, and my blubbering Christmas pageant moment will be Thursday morning when I watch the boys in their preschool program...better go purchase the hard-to-remove-waterproof-mascara. I'll be an emotional mess.
I would have been ugly crying too.
I may just have to find someone to tackle the hip deep pile in my laundry room.
i love this post. your couch looks very similar to my bed. with all that laundry on it. i dont' have a cleaning lady. but am considering outsourcing my laundry. that's my main chore. and i HATE it!!!!!
see you next weekend!