



































Entries in San Antonio Living (8)


Shelly Miles and her girls

My friend Shelly came by the studio the other day. We took a few newslady-ish shots so she could update her photos at work. 

"Hello, I'm approachable yet serious interviewer Shelly Miles. Tell me all your secrets Brangelina."

She also needed a few shots for her daughter's dance competitions. They happen to be prodigy superstars who travel throughout the year winning up all the awards in Texas. 

12 years old people.  

Then we went outside and took some funner pictures. Is funner a word? Spell check is not underlining it. Weird. 

Happy hump day. Also, thanks everyone who commented on the last post to say you're still reading. I love you guys. xo


This blogging thing.

The word "blog" used to embarrass me. I mean, "Blaaagghhhhg". It sounds like someone gargling mashed potatoes. I'd say I did it "for my portrait business", "so clients could get to know me", "so I could keep my portfolio updated". These things are true. The bigger truth is just that I liked doing it. It's changed my life tremendously. But somewhere along the way I started to feel guilty about doing anything that wasn't "productive". And by productive, I mean generating income. BOO!

I think over the last year I've let work consume me, partly because I love it and partly because it's comfortable. At work I know where I belong, what to do, where to stand. It's easy. What's hard is all the other stuff. Like making time for a walk, or girls night, making a salad, knowing what to do on the ball field when my child is heartbroken about striking out again. Work, in all it's straight-forward glory becomes a way of hiding from all that complication. It's a way of hiding from the times when you don't know where to stand, what to do, or where you belong. And since people respect the idea of work, you even get to appear noble while you're hiding. But the problem is that if you're hiding from the complicated stuff, you're also hiding from the stuff that means the most, like your family, your health, your friends, your interests. Life becomes less full, more one dimensional. 

I just got back from a retreat that, among other things, made me realize I need to spend less time working, more time on the other stuff. More time remembering things I enjoy like photographing sans paycheck, going out with girlfriends, connecting with my family. Blogging is also one of these things I've missed. So this is me, yet again trying to find some balance. I'm sure it's not for the last time. 

But speaking of all the amazing people that the internet has brought into my life, meet Karen. She's one of my dearest friends, and if it weren't for this blogging thing, I would have never known her. I hosted a book signing for her a few months ago with Laura and Jenny. It was really just my sneaky way to get her to come to San Antonio. 

She did a segment on Living

Then Philippe at Coco treated us to a fantastically different book-signing party. It was so much fun, and if you need to host anything in San Antonio, he is truly the BEST, most warm, accommodating, creative person. He even taught us how to make a candle from an orange peel! 

A couple weekends ago I didn't go to SxSW because big conferences overwhelm me. And because that one seemed to be the motherlode of not knowing where to be or stand. Then I got an invitation for a brunch that Intel and Maggie + Laura were hosting. That sounded do-able and fun. I was just going to drive up for the afternoon until Karen mentioned that she'd had to last-minute rent a way-too-big house and that there was plenty of room for all of us if I wanted to bring the fam. So we did, and now I love her family as much as I do her. 

Karen is the author of The Beauty of Different: Observations of a Confident Misfit. It's a fantastic collection of gorgeous photography and lovely stories. The last time she was here, she left me one to give away. Want to win? Enter by leaving a comment here about what makes you different. I'll announce the winner on Thursday before noon. 


mother's day!

What a Monday! I'd had every intention of blogging today (with real pictures and everything). But I did the Living Show this morning, and the rest of the day disappeared. I'll be back soon. But in the mean time just wanted to say that the Hot Mama shoot (May 23rd) is BOOKED! I'm not sure when the next one will be. But if you want to get on the list, send me an email. If there's enough interest, I might try to squeeze in another one before Christmas. AND, if you have a belly, you need to call Chic Mama to take advantage of the most amazing Mother's Day offer ever!  



This post is brought to you by the prompting of Tracey Clark.  :)

16 Random Things about Me

1. I often feel in-over-my-head and simultaneously like I know I'll get through.

2. I hope my daughter never stops raising her eyebrows when she tells stories.

3. Last summer I overdosed on chips and queso, which prompted a fifteen pound weight gain over the course of three months. WTF. So, I started "rocking" (run-walking) as my friend Shelly calls it, on January 6th. And it's amazing how quickly your body takes to being healthy. Also, who knew how much better fresh air was, vs. the treadmill?!!

4. I'm very cynical about politics and government, regardless of affiliation. I think power inherently corrupts; and that we've reached a point where the richest people just buy laws that will benefit them. Hearing Barney Frank say that he doesn't know what happened to $350 BILLION dollars, has only strengthened my opinion. However, on this very historical day, I can't help but be proud of how far our country has come within the span of a few decades.

5. I'm also proud of my friend Delaine for writing about the most important, and far too often ignored, horror that is child abuse. It never ceases to amaze me how hard people will fight for trees, or whales, or rabbits...yet totally ignore the torture of children.

6. My girlfriends are essential to my sanity.

7. So are coffee and wine.

8. I think it's more important to experience things than accumulate them. 

9. My closets are not organized, and it's always in the back of my mind...bugging me like a gnat.

10. I'm totally addicted to trash television and Facebook...(which is probably just the personalized version of trash tv). And probably also the reason why my closets are not organized.

11. I start to short-circuit if I don't have enough time alone.

12. I think everyone is interesting, once you know their reasons.

13. Some days I'm okay with the way I look. Other days, I want to have every plastic surgical procedure known to man.

14. When we moved to Texas 6 years ago, I swore we'd be gone in 2. Now I can't imagine leaving.

15. But I wish our family was closer. There's so much missing out that goes on because of distance.

16. I don't have many pet peeves. Generally the voices in my head are louder than the dogs barking across the street, or the person who's chewing loudly. I don't care if you drive slowly, or send me too many forwards, or check your texts at the dinner table. However, I DO have a nails-on-chalkboard reaction to black and white photographs where one element of the photo is displayed in color. 

Exhibit A  (hahaha!)

 Taken yesterday when we were on the Living Show to promote the Hot Mama shoot this Saturday. #1. What was I thinking with the white bra under the grey dress...clearly not compatible with a camera flash. Besides that, everything went well. Amazing Jen came to model, and was a total pro. And so was my awesome friend, and makeup expert Robyn Chappell ( Here's the link if you want to see the segment. We're totally booked for Saturday now, with a waiting list. WOOT. If you want to be added to the list for next time, let me know.

OH. And I will be in Houston next month for this. So if you're in the area and would like to schedule a photo session, let me know:

phew, long post. Gotta get back to work. Have a great day!


The Living Segment

So right before I went on camera, I spilled coffee on my shirt. When I turned around to put the cup on this wooden shelf thingy, I managed to dump the WHOLE thing out onto, AND THROUGH the slats of the shelf, onto the floor, onto the producers papers, and into someone's purse. Oh, AND, I used the towels from the Watermark spa people's set to clean it up. Shelly, are you counting down until I get to come back??? Maybe next time I'll manage to trip on a power cord and light the whole set on fire?

So here's the link if you want to sheckitout.

Also, thanks for all the nice comments about the family photos. You all are sweet. xo