



































Entries in Shutter Sisters (13)


Shutter Sisters book! 

We got home late Sunday night, then yesterday morning Emily wasn't feeling well. So I spent the day patting her little back and trying to type with her head on my neck. Honestly, it was bliss. Not that I like it when my kids are sick. But it's nice to hold them for more than two seconds without them running away. Especially when you've been gone for a week. 

And then look what was waiting in the mailbox!

YOU GUYS. I know I'm biased, but this book is so BEAUTIFUL. I spent all day staring at it, petting it, being amazed that I was lucky enough to be a part of it. And I'm not saying that to sound modest. Last year when when we were writing this, it was during one of the most stressful periods of my life. I was working 16-20 hours a day, routinely going to bed between 4 and 5am. I'd taken on way too much, but nothing was expendable. So I was half-assing my life, feeling like an absentee mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, you-name-it. There were so many moments I thought I was going to really crack. During one of them, I emailed Tracey through tears to tell her there was no way I could meet the deadline for my chapter. I felt like I was failing at everything. Then she emailed the sweetest note to say that she wasn't going to let me go that easily. 

Knowing the women who were contributing, I knew the book would be incredible whether I was involved, or whether I wasn't. So her words meant a lot. And her confidence was enough to make me pull my puddle self off the floor to keep going. Because dudes, I'm not even going to front. It was HARD. I've never seen myself as a writer. I love fragments and run-ons, and I routinely abuse bland adjectives like "awesome","amazing" and "totally". Is "totally" even an adjective? To make matters worse, I find it really hard to write about photography (which is why I don't teach workshops). I know after fifteen years I must know some stuff about taking pictures. But when someone asks me about it, the only thing I can think to say is, "Umm... just click the shutter a lot and delete the bad ones." Sidenote: In the book, I managed not to say that even once!

So this is my long way of thanking Tracey for letting me be a part of this. And not just the book... the whole amazing (see? still too lazy to pull out the thesaurus) community.

The publishers sent me two copies. I'm guarding one with my life. But if you want the other one, you can enter to win here. You can also ORDER IT HERE.

And while I'm thinking about it, don't forget tomorrow is the last day (for the year!) to purchase an Epiphanie bag with the discount code!  

Paris and London photos and stories soon. Right now I'm trying like a mofo to get caught up before I leave again on Friday. (So excited!)

*Just looked it up and "totally" is an adverb. I'm sure you were on the edge of your seat about that.  


Mom 2.0, Defining a Movement


Images courtesy of Shutter Sisters

The amazing Shutter Sisters is partnering with the Mom 2.0 Summit to host our first gallery show at the FotoFest in Houston! I've never had my work displayed in an exhibition, and it's especially exciting and humbling to be included with such great company. Tracey, and the girls, and everyone in the Shutter Sisters community has been putting their heart and soul into this site for years. So it's truly inspiring to see the fruit of all this hard work displayed in tangible frames and hanging on actual walls. As Tracey put it, "This is who we are. This is our life. And it is beautiful and heartbreaking and exuberant and really really important!" 

What's even more exciting is that all the art from the exhibit will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going to Haiti. I can hardly wait to see it in person! Even already ordered my 60s dress for the Mad Men party. Is anyone else going? If so, I'd love to see you!

Here's one of the images from the gallery. I haven't posted the rest yet. But what a sweet moment. And those curls...omg.

For more loveliness, check out this video made by one of my favorite authors, Katherine Center. What a way with words. 


shutter sisters day

This was cross-posted today at Shutter Sisters, along with some thoughts on perspective. 

I hope you're enjoying the beautiful week. I've been resisting the urge to procrastinate everything, if you want the truth. It's hard to get back into the swing of things, especially when it's 19 degrees outside. Makes me want nothing but a blanket, a book and hot chocolate. Oh well, happy Thursday! 

Oh, and if you don't go visit the SS post, I want to post this link here too...found via the amazing Melanie. It was so great...definitely worth the read as we go into the new year. 

Happy Thursday! xo



The other night, my good friend Misha Pisha Michelle made an interesting observation. She said she doesn't like it when she asks someone how they're doing, and the response is "SO busy!" I totally get it. Even if it's unintentional, it kind of feels like maybe they're too busy for the conversation. And maybe there's also a subtle insinuation, that everyone else just isn't quite so busy. That they're running marathons, and saving children from burning houses. While you're sitting at home eating donuts and watching Tyra. That being said, it's been SO BUSY around here! :) GEESH. Don't you think April and May give November and December a run on the Non-Stop-Activity Scale?!! Only it's worse because it sneaks up on you. At least with the holidays, you're prepared to be insane. Between school wrapping up, and field trips, 2 birthdays within 4 weeks, and has been Crazy Town. And my little blog has been neglected because of it. So, tonight I'm going to do my best to get a post up with pictures. But in the mean time, it was my turn at Shutter Sisters today. Just a few thoughts on being a photographer. Come say hello. And I'll see you here again, soon. xo


The Mattivi Family: New Braunfels Photographer

A few weeks back, I got to photograph my friend Tara and her gorgeous family. Our girls used to go to school together, so it's always fun to catch up, and marvel at how grown up everyone's getting.

Cute fam. I love the outfit choices too!

LOVE Miss Olivia's smile with her happy, half-moon eyes.

Stunning mommy.

I posted this one before on Shutter Sisters, but had to put it up again because Miss Olivia took the shot. It's my favorite of them, because I know they're looking at their daughter through the lens. Sweet.

Shawn was so happy when the train went by, he could hardly contain himself! :)

I ADORE this one. It was taken in between set up for another shot, and I barely grabbed it. Totally goes to show how quickly you can miss the best moments if you're not paying attention. Or if you're always focused on what's next. 

And maybe my favorite shot of the whole session was posted on Shutter Sisters a couple weeks ago. It's my take on The Beatle's Abbey Road album cover. You can check it out here, if you want.

Thanks cute Mattivi's!

Oh, and did anyone see this link at Photojojo? You take a picture wherever you are, and upload it to the Earth Mosaic Project. Sounds fun! Not that I will have time to be working on any fun projects today, BUT...maybe you will. :)

I would like to say again how much I've been appreciating all the emails and comments that everyone has been sending. And if you're waiting for a response from me about anything, I promise I'm trying to work my way out of the mountain of editing and emails that accumulated over my the last week. In the mean time, Happy Hump Day!   :)