Really quick because I know my mom is dying to see the clip. :0) xo

My day started when I signed in at the WOAI desk only to see the name "Amy DeYoung" right above mine. What?!! So a little background. I'm addicted to many blogs...probably more than I should ever admit. And you know you are too, so ANYway, I'd stumbeld on Amy's photo blog about a year ago, and kept up periodically. When I saw that she was moving to San Antonio (a few months back), I basically sent her an email that said, "Hi you don't know me. I'm a blog stalker. Want to have lunch? And I promise I won't murder you". So brave soul that she is, actually agreed. And we had a great time. She also happens to be PREGNANT. So she OF COURSE went to Prego Central and coincidentally met DD, who naturally asked (pretty) Amy to be in the fashion show. And it was so great to see her today in this SMALL WORLD that we live in. Anyway, Amy was also smart enough to bring her camera, so she got a few behind-the-scenes shots if you want to check them out (on her blog link above). THANKS AMY!! :)
And here are the clips from the show.
Of everybody. My segment. And of the belly fashionista show.
K. I must go to bed RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
*hi again, I'm not sure why the links are all going to the fashion show. But you can click any of the links above, and then click "New Twist To Baby Room Decorating" and "More Great Baby Ideas".
Reader Comments (13)
But that was a Happy Meal enough for me (for now)! I just have to say... I love your darling, adorable, wonderful, wonderful friends... I love the clothes (that red print dress!)... and the deer-in-headlights-keikis!...precious, precious!
I love your life! I love your world! And if I can't have you living right next door to me, I can feel so blessed and thankful, they do.
A little P.S. - The camera person HAD to be a man. He was so totally NOT listening to what DD was talking about, because when she was decribing the woman's dress, he was focused on the little girls face; when she was talking about the jelly-shoes, he was focused on the dress. I wanted to see those dang jelly slippers!
K. Love, love and more love!