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For all of you who keep sending me emails about the slippery slope to anorexia...please, please chill. Maybe I should post a photo of myself in a white spandex body suit? That would SQUELCH all suspicions that mama's been missing too many meals. Stay tuned for that photo. It will be up right after the pigs fly out of your computer screen.

Anyway, this post is dedicated to my mom because she got me started on this Ezekiel bread with flax oil in the morning. In my quest to curb the starvation, I'm reverting back to my childhood. My mom is a huge health nut, AND a child of the 70s from Hawaii. Insert photo of hummus tofu casserole laced with wheat germ here. I can still remember her telling us to "hold our noses" and chew. And I feel guilty for making my kids eat a carrot. Our "TREAT" because we couldn't have chocolate, was a Tiger's Milk Bar. It was made out of "CAROB"...(that word cracks me up). And I still grab 2 or 3 of them every time I'm in the health food store. Anyway, I grew up and developed a rebelious cupcake addiction, but the fact remains that she still knows what she's talking about. 

The first time I saw her bust this bread out, and squeeze STRAIGHT UP flax oil onto her toast, I about gagged. She promised me that I just needed to get used to it, and before long it would be taste just like butter. And maybe it's because I'm starving, but she was right. I actually look forward to it now. The bread is a mixture of gravel and seeds and branches, so it takes a LONG LONG time to digest. That means less hunger, and one more hour away from the donuts.

Also, as a side note, FLAX OIL CURES EXCEMA. I swear. I wrote about it a long time ago. But I used to use cortizone as lotion on my kids, it was so bad for YEARS. Then (after my mom recommended it seventy times)...we tried it, and it went away! You have to do it EVERY DAY for a month though. I know it helps, because every time we slack off, it comes back (with all three kids).

Okay, I had a bunch of photos to post today too. But I'm going to wait until tomorrow. This is already getting long and I have a ton of work to do.

Have a fabulous day!


Leslie Bohl Jones

Lovely Leslie from the San Antonio Living Show. I think there's a little bit of a rocker in this television news anchor.  :)





Thank you Leslie!

Also, thanks to everyone who left really sweet comments yesterday! I'm on a mission to give my camera to Jason more often...and maybe even schedule a shoot this summer (thanks Kate!)

So, anyone tuning in for the hunger update? It's getting moderately better, only because I'm down 5 pounds. Other than that, it still sucks. And now that I've had a FITNESS EXPERT comment that 'hungry is her middle name' (hi Jacqueline!) ...well, I feel validated. Thank you for your honesty! And I guess it's worth it because the jeans are fitting better. That's pretty exciting because I've NEVER followed through with a New Years resolution before, and here I am on my second one! Speaking of resolutions, Paul wrote a hilarious post about them yesterday.

Today I'm meeting with Katynator and DDlicious to go through the Caden Lane lifestyle shots. Then it's Chuys to celebrate Tracy's birthday!

Then a belly shoot in the afternoon. Sounds like a good day to me.

Oh, I also want to say hola to my friend Anne who had a surprise baby shower last night, which I was so bummed to have to miss! Welcome baby number three!! You're almost there!! :) 



A Mother's Days

So here is the little project I was telling you about in the last post. It will be featured in the Hewlett Packard newsletter (which goes out to 16 million people, THANKS AGAIN Tracey!) as their May Snapshot. The idea was to do something which celebrates Mother's Day, by using their new All-In-One Printer. So I dug through the big bin to find an old photograph of my grandmother holding my mom, my mom holding me, and then me with one of my kids. Scanned them in, and printed the exact size I needed. The print quality was great. I kept thinking, good thing I give the CDs out with my packages, because scanners are GOOD these days. If I still relied on print sales, I'd be out of business. Anyway this would make a great gift for a Mom or Grandma, and it was super easy!


Now for the heart breaking part of it. I thought it would be cool, since my grandmother and mom are in the same positions, to find one of me like that too. Not only does that photo not exist, but there are NO PHOTOS of me holding my babies. Besides a few that were snapped in the hospitals, I am basically non-existent at every first tooth, birthday, bath time, you name it. Jason looks like he's a single dad raising three kids that he surrogated from an egg bank. Or something. Anyway, I'd sort of known this was the case. But I'm really thankful that I had to do this project. It made me realize HOW BAD IT REALLY IS. I mean, the best shot I could find of myself was a snapshot with my sunglasses on when Chance is about 8 months old. It's especially lame, considering that my job is DOCUMENTING LIFE. So, I'm done. I've joked about it before. But I'm seriously DONE ERASING MYSELF. And I usually don't write stuff here that really upsets me. But I'm letting you in on my lame mistake so that if anyone is out there WAITING FOR YOUR REAL LIFE TO START SO THAT THEN YOU CAN TAKE A PICTURE OF IT...STOP!! PLEASE STOP waiting until you lose weight. Or until you have make-up on. Or until the house is clean. Because one day, when you decide you want to remember what it felt like to hold your brand new baby, you will dig and dig through a mountain of photographs that are not you. And you will really, really regret it.



A couple shots from a Caden Lane shoot the other day, taken in my favorite BoerneKaty is updating for her new line that will be coming out soon. This is cute Jaime the mommy model, kickin' it Caden Lane style.



The mommy brigade. I'll post more when they're edited.


I have a ton of actual PHOTO SESSIONS to post. Someday. As soon as I can focus on something besides my hunger pains. Seriously. I need a Pain Chart like the ones you see in the doctors' offices, with all  the grimacing faces. "I'm at 10! Call the cupcake store!" Or maybe I'll start a new website called All I will do is whine, and post videos of myself smelling pizza and cinnamon buns.

And for the record, I'M KIDDING. Please don't send me any more emails about anorexia. Sheesh.

I wanted to show you what I sent to sweet Jen the other day. Goes to show you that you never know what random gifts might show up at your door when you comment around here.  :)

And, I will sneak in another post tomorrow because I did a project for Hewlett Packard that will be featured in their next monthly Snapshot. THANK YOU TRACEY...(who does lots of work for HP, and referred them). If you are into photography, you should poke around the site for her tutorial videos. There is so much great info in them! 

And I think that's it for now. Happy Thursday night eveyone! Eat some MnMs for me.   



It's Wednesday night and I should be at girls night out. Or at Taste of the Northside. Instead I'm blogging and STARVING. All I can think about are the MnMs in the cabinet. Someone call my sponsor. Because there are only EIGHT short weeks until Mexico. Do you think that anyone will notice if I wear a nude-colored body sock under my tankini. I could say it's to protect me from the sun. Or maybe wet suits are in this season? Because I have a question for all you skinny minis out there. HONESTLY NOW, how much of your day you spend hungry? I want numbers and percentages. Are we talking 50%...75%... because at this point, I'm not sure it's worth it.

Changing the subject before I knaw my hand off.

Annie's birthday was so fun! I finally learned that the only way to throw a kid's party is NOT to have it at your house. How sweet is my little princess?


How cute are ALL these little princesses? It was like a Mini Mama shoot.   :)







We thought the next picture was important to document because no one had a wine glass in their hand. QUICK! Get the camera! 


Sharkey's is great. They do hair & makeup, paint their nails. At the end, the girls get to do a fashion show and twirl around on stage, and they even do the goodie bags. You were supposed to get a DVD of the whole thing, but their machine was broken. That was a bummer. But overall, I'd recommend it. The girls had a blast, and it was EASY.

After the party, we spent the rest of the weekend with Grammy. She flew home on Monday, but we're trying to get her out here every 4-6 weeks. That made it less hard to say good bye.

Now the random bits.

My favorite Kal painted more Pink Ladies. I'm sure it's too late to buy an original because people swoop up on those before they're even posted. But you can buy a print. That's what I did with the first one, and I LOVE IT. I'm still looking for the perfect frame for her though. And if anyone wants to buy me an early Birthday present, now you know where to go.  :)

And speaking of presents. Do you feel like doing a good deed? My (since 8th grade) friend Heather is pregnant. She's and her husband Mike are missionaries in India. With one son, she also takes care of THREE other boys so that they can go to school. She scales mountains to bring people medicine, and thinks of oatmeal as a treat. So if you want to make the day of a pregnant lady who is trying to get through it WITHOUT Ben and Jerrys (gasp!), these are some things that would make her day...(scroll down on her blog entry to find the items, along with her address). Make sure you pack it really well and inconspicuosly because if it's colorful, it might get stolen lost in the mail. 

In other news, I also wrote a post at Shutter Sisters today if you want to check it out.

AND. Stone Temple Pilots is touring again. That's right Flaningans. You better get your asses back to San Antonio June 27th!  :) 

Okay, I'm out. And for the record, STILL HUNGRY.