Grammy and Cupcakes!

So we picked up Grammy this morning and have been running all day. Chance celebrated Fiesta at school with a parade and party. Here is the Graminator in action. :)
The kids were making "moraccas" out of paper plates and pinto beans. And it didn't take Grammy five seconds before she was in the middle of it all. Look at her GO! Besides, seeing clearly now where Jason gets it :) , I'm also secretly jealous of how she carries her comfort zone around with her. Usually in these situations, I stand in a corner with my arms folded, feeling unexplainably shy about jumping in. I know, it's weird. But today she showed me that it's just a big pile of kids and pinto beans. Big whoop. :)
Annnnddd....drumroll drumroll drum drum drum... If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that I have been ON THE HUNT FOR YEARS for a good cupcake shop that delivered. Well, I FINALLY FOUND ONE!!! They don't have a website, but it's called Kate's Frosting at 210-248-9809. Add the number into your contact list so you can send someone cupcakes on the fly! I just had some delivered to Mallory today. You can swing by her blog if you want to see pictures of the red velvet ones. They said that is their most popular flavor, so Mallory you can let us all know if they were good. San Antonio has needed this for SO LONG!! Yipee!!