
A couple shots from a Caden Lane shoot the other day, taken in my favorite Boerne. Katy is updating for her new line that will be coming out soon. This is cute Jaime the mommy model, kickin' it Caden Lane style.
The mommy brigade. I'll post more when they're edited.
I have a ton of actual PHOTO SESSIONS to post. Someday. As soon as I can focus on something besides my hunger pains. Seriously. I need a Pain Chart like the ones you see in the doctors' offices, with all the grimacing faces. "I'm at 10! Call the cupcake store!" Or maybe I'll start a new website called coffeefordinner.com. All I will do is whine, and post videos of myself smelling pizza and cinnamon buns.
And for the record, I'M KIDDING. Please don't send me any more emails about anorexia. Sheesh.
I wanted to show you what I sent to sweet Jen the other day. Goes to show you that you never know what random gifts might show up at your door when you comment around here. :)
And, I will sneak in another post tomorrow because I did a project for Hewlett Packard that will be featured in their next monthly Snapshot. THANK YOU TRACEY...(who does lots of work for HP, and referred them). If you are into photography, you should poke around the site for her tutorial videos. There is so much great info in them!
And I think that's it for now. Happy Thursday night eveyone! Eat some MnMs for me.
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