
It's Wednesday night and I should be at girls night out. Or at Taste of the Northside. Instead I'm blogging and STARVING. All I can think about are the MnMs in the cabinet. Someone call my sponsor. Because there are only EIGHT short weeks until Mexico. Do you think that anyone will notice if I wear a nude-colored body sock under my tankini. I could say it's to protect me from the sun. Or maybe wet suits are in this season? Because I have a question for all you skinny minis out there. HONESTLY NOW, how much of your day you spend hungry? I want numbers and percentages. Are we talking 50%...75%... because at this point, I'm not sure it's worth it.
Changing the subject before I knaw my hand off.
Annie's birthday was so fun! I finally learned that the only way to throw a kid's party is NOT to have it at your house. How sweet is my little princess?
How cute are ALL these little princesses? It was like a Mini Mama shoot. :)
We thought the next picture was important to document because no one had a wine glass in their hand. QUICK! Get the camera!
Sharkey's is great. They do hair & makeup, paint their nails. At the end, the girls get to do a fashion show and twirl around on stage, and they even do the goodie bags. You were supposed to get a DVD of the whole thing, but their machine was broken. That was a bummer. But overall, I'd recommend it. The girls had a blast, and it was EASY.
After the party, we spent the rest of the weekend with Grammy. She flew home on Monday, but we're trying to get her out here every 4-6 weeks. That made it less hard to say good bye.
Now the random bits.
My favorite Kal painted more Pink Ladies. I'm sure it's too late to buy an original because people swoop up on those before they're even posted. But you can buy a print. That's what I did with the first one, and I LOVE IT. I'm still looking for the perfect frame for her though. And if anyone wants to buy me an early Birthday present, now you know where to go. :)
And speaking of presents. Do you feel like doing a good deed? My (since 8th grade) friend Heather is pregnant. She's and her husband Mike are missionaries in India. With one son, she also takes care of THREE other boys so that they can go to school. She scales mountains to bring people medicine, and thinks of oatmeal as a treat. So if you want to make the day of a pregnant lady who is trying to get through it WITHOUT Ben and Jerrys (gasp!), these are some things that would make her day...(scroll down on her blog entry to find the items, along with her address). Make sure you pack it really well and inconspicuosly because if it's colorful, it might get stolen lost in the mail.
In other news, I also wrote a post at Shutter Sisters today if you want to check it out.
AND. Stone Temple Pilots is touring again. That's right Flaningans. You better get your asses back to San Antonio June 27th! :)
Okay, I'm out. And for the record, STILL HUNGRY.

Reader Comments (12)
PS: .....and I am hungry probably 30% of the day. Frosting always comes to mind at these times.....or a hot fudge sundae.......not exactly on the plan.
And that picture, where you're putting shadow on Mimi's eyes? Oh Honey, I stared at that for minutes. Your hand cradling her little face... you can see the drinking in of the experience on her part... that is captivating, but it is your hand that steals my breath. Your hand is the fundament beneath all that ease, all that pleasure, all that trust. That photo is that ephemeral moment when the mountains kiss the clouds.
You help us all to relish the day with your portraits of the life that is truly Life!
And, by the way, I started a diet again on Monday and it lasted exactly one day. I hate feeling hungry AND grumpy. But, you can do it Maile!
and I would like to know this hungry ARE skinny people? lol!
and a trick for you...when you are totally hungry and are wanting something that you can eat for more than 10 seconds...get some 94% fat free kettle corn popcorn. It's awesome, low on cals, and takes forever to eat.
As for your m&m addiction and being hungry and worrying about your bathing suit for the trip. Just remember one thing,,,,,I too am going to be there in a bathing suit and you sent me 6 of the most awesome cupcakes ever. So, Have to tell you eat up on those M&M and don;t bring your camera, I dont want proof of me in a bathing suit....ha ha ha