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Finally found the song I heard on Grey's Anatomy last week.


the latest.

When I was young I thought I could drive ANYwhere in town within 15 minutes. It didn't matter where I was going, I'd allow myself the same time to get there. Then in my early 20s, (mainly because I'd opened up my own business) I had to learn how to be on time. Mainly, I realized I couldn't negotiate with the FINITE nature of a minute. That there really were only a SET NUMBER of them. Revelations, I know.

So maybe I've gotten better, but I still think I can cram a billion activities into, say a half an hour. That somehow I'll find a way to expand my day to 25 hours. Or 70. And that's what I've been doing for a few weeks...(again). Also, feeling very guilty about stuff that inevitably slips through the cracks...(when it turns out that I indeed CANNOT bend space and time).

And it's just this time of year. I CANNOT keep all the kids' activities straight. Seriously. We had to call the school TWICE this morning. "Does Annie have a party today, or was it Emily? Or is it swim day?" "If it's swim day, does she bring a lunch? Or are we supposed to bring chips for the class? Who was I supposed to give that $5 to? ... Dammit, Jason where's that FLYER?!! UUUGGGHHH! KILL ME. If there is anything I LOVE about summer it is the ABSENCE of FLYERS. Next year, I'm going to chase every one of them down with a shot of tequila.  

And coinciding with everything, is Jason's sister's wedding next weekend in Kentucky. Jason has some sort of project going on at work which involves a vice around his neck, so I will be making the trip to the The Tuck by myself, with Annie. And SHOOTING MY FIRST WEDDING IN OVER TEN YEARS. Never say never, I guess. Truth be told, I'm excited about it. And I can't wait to see all the family peeps too.

Anyway, I always think it's harder to write when too much time passes.  I can't even remember what I did this morning, let alone all week. So here are some photos of the latest. The Amazing and Bionic Woman Katy who has the energy of 13 race horses on crack, will be announcing the latest Caden Lane collection, called Lush. It's my favorite design she's done yet, and here's a sneak peak from a shoot we did this week.


This shot cracks me up. Can you say, HOT WEARHOUSE? We were literally DRENCHED by the end of the day. To the point that I was worried about having a white shirt on. *Side note: I did this whole shoot with coffee spills DOWN MY BACK, thanks to my husband's lovely new car that HAS THE COFFEE HOLDER ON THE RIGHT, behind your SHOULDER. Serious morons. Don't they know that the drink holder is the most important part of the whole car?!


I thought it would be fun for you to see how the shots were set up. Pretty sneaky, huh?


And this is what we did last night. Turns out some of my friends get swanky emails from Neiman Marcus telling them about secret websites where you can buy tickets to see Sex in the City early...(for some reason Kohls doesn't do that kind of thing. I'm waiting). So we got to watch it last night. Totally fun playing dress up. And getting to feel all VIP-ish for a minute. :)


I think I look like their blonde amazon mother here..."Come child, let me nestle you into my armpit where it's nice and warm."


This was taken in the theater. I don't know how it happened. I think  the screen was in the middle of changing scenes, but I like how it turned out.


Have a fun weekend!!

p.s. squarespace has been acting weird all  week. I can't select text, in order to link to it. So if you want to see more of Katy's line when it gets released, you can find her here:



Phone call to DD this morning.

Me: "I'm an ass."

DD: "What happened?!"

Me: "I forgot about the Heart Gallery shoot."

DD: "I just saw you yesterday. You were talking about your week, and you mentioned it. How did you forget in one day?!"

Me: "I think I need ADD medication. Maybe Ridlin."

DD: "So how'd it go?"

Me: "Well, they called this morning at 10 wondering where I was. I flew down there. I was wearing the same dress I had on yesterday and a little mascara. I had just dropped the kids off, and I'm not sure if my hair was brushed."

DD: "Oh God, you wore a DRESS to shoot in?"

Me: "Yep. There I was kneeling down on the grass. And that's not the worst part."

DD: "What?"

Me: "There was also a camera crew. They told me about it weeks ago, but I forgot."

DD: "Oh God."

Me: "Yep, they were from France. Like the French 60 minutes. They're doing a segment on adoption. I tried to pack up and get out of there before they talked to me. But the lady blocked the door and said 'we need you for two minutes'".

DD: "Were you all sweaty too?"

Me: "Of course. So there I was: photographer in a dress, with wet, come-over bangs pasted to my forehead."

DD: "What did you say?"

Me: "The usual. Omigod like totally I think it's totally awesome like omigod."

DD: "Oh my god."

Both of us burst into laughter.

DD: "Well, at least it's for a good cause. Hey, don't feel bad, I'm still getting ready for work. And you've already made an ass out of yourself on French television."

This pretty much sums up my week. There is so much to post, and I have to get back to work. But before I go, I really wanted to say THANKS to Melissa who wrote the sweetest stuff on her blog last week. The feelings are totally mutual sister! You rock.

And I will be back with more regularity. Sounds like a commercial for Ex Lax. 

And on that note, see ya soon!  :) 



Hi Monday

Just a little update about my on-going cupcake drama. THANK YOU to everyone who sent recommendations! You guys rock. Turns out that it might still work with the same local place I found a few weeks ago. I'm crossing my fingers, and giving it another go. Because I really do like to keep business local when it's possible. It's nice to know there are also so many options out there though. And thanks again!

We spent the whole weekend with the Fabulous Flaningans. It was so much fun, as usual! I'll try to post more later. For now I need to get my booty up and outta here. There are zillions of errands, and phone calls, and well, you know how Mondays can be. Where is the coffee??!!



Thursday already. The weeks go too fast. I'm slightly frustrated today by the number of projects going on. I bought a new website that's waiting for attention. My look needs a makeover because I'm over the cupcake. For as much as I love them, I'm tired of it in the logo. And as a side note, I will send a happy surprise to ANYONE who can recommend a GOOD CUPCAKE STORE IN THIS TOWN THAT DELIVERS. And doesn't do janky frosting. And who doesn't charge $100. I thought I'd found one. But they haven't been reliable for deliveries. Even if you know a place online where I can have them shipped??? PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I have been literally searching for years.

And speaking of more "treats" that have become a pain in my ass. The ice cream all of it's Beaver-Cleaver glory. How fun it was the FIRST time it rolled down our street. And the second. Maybe even the third. UNTIL we became part of it's PERMANENT ROUTE. Now EVERY NIGHT around 7:00, here it comes. Singing that eerie, flat, carousel music. The same one that plays right before the dolls slaughter the town. It's also the one that takes my children from a perfectly normal state of BRUSHING THEIR TEETH, to SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS FOR ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM! Then they hurl themselves at the door, maniacly demanding money. Like sugar-junkie-muggers, "QUICK! QUICK! HE'S GOING TO LEAVE HE'S GOING TO LEAVE HURRY HURRY HURRY QUICK!!! Until I dash all their hopes by telling them that Ice Cream is from the devil. And that I'm pretty sure the driver was on last week's Dateline: To Catch A Predator. (kidding) Yet I'm totally serious. I hate the ice cream truck. As if bed time is not hard enough. Oh, and adding insult to injury...a popsicle is now $73. If you want chocolate, you better bring your letter from the bank to prove financing.


Alright, I've bashed on sweets enough for one day.  This one's for my mom. She sent Annie the cutest baking set for her birthday a few weeks ago. I think she's trying to indoctrinate at least one person in our family to learn how to cook. Thank you Nana! We miss you!

