



































Entries in Families (77)


This blogging thing.

The word "blog" used to embarrass me. I mean, "Blaaagghhhhg". It sounds like someone gargling mashed potatoes. I'd say I did it "for my portrait business", "so clients could get to know me", "so I could keep my portfolio updated". These things are true. The bigger truth is just that I liked doing it. It's changed my life tremendously. But somewhere along the way I started to feel guilty about doing anything that wasn't "productive". And by productive, I mean generating income. BOO!

I think over the last year I've let work consume me, partly because I love it and partly because it's comfortable. At work I know where I belong, what to do, where to stand. It's easy. What's hard is all the other stuff. Like making time for a walk, or girls night, making a salad, knowing what to do on the ball field when my child is heartbroken about striking out again. Work, in all it's straight-forward glory becomes a way of hiding from all that complication. It's a way of hiding from the times when you don't know where to stand, what to do, or where you belong. And since people respect the idea of work, you even get to appear noble while you're hiding. But the problem is that if you're hiding from the complicated stuff, you're also hiding from the stuff that means the most, like your family, your health, your friends, your interests. Life becomes less full, more one dimensional. 

I just got back from a retreat that, among other things, made me realize I need to spend less time working, more time on the other stuff. More time remembering things I enjoy like photographing sans paycheck, going out with girlfriends, connecting with my family. Blogging is also one of these things I've missed. So this is me, yet again trying to find some balance. I'm sure it's not for the last time. 

But speaking of all the amazing people that the internet has brought into my life, meet Karen. She's one of my dearest friends, and if it weren't for this blogging thing, I would have never known her. I hosted a book signing for her a few months ago with Laura and Jenny. It was really just my sneaky way to get her to come to San Antonio. 

She did a segment on Living

Then Philippe at Coco treated us to a fantastically different book-signing party. It was so much fun, and if you need to host anything in San Antonio, he is truly the BEST, most warm, accommodating, creative person. He even taught us how to make a candle from an orange peel! 

A couple weekends ago I didn't go to SxSW because big conferences overwhelm me. And because that one seemed to be the motherlode of not knowing where to be or stand. Then I got an invitation for a brunch that Intel and Maggie + Laura were hosting. That sounded do-able and fun. I was just going to drive up for the afternoon until Karen mentioned that she'd had to last-minute rent a way-too-big house and that there was plenty of room for all of us if I wanted to bring the fam. So we did, and now I love her family as much as I do her. 

Karen is the author of The Beauty of Different: Observations of a Confident Misfit. It's a fantastic collection of gorgeous photography and lovely stories. The last time she was here, she left me one to give away. Want to win? Enter by leaving a comment here about what makes you different. I'll announce the winner on Thursday before noon. 


The Finneys 


The Finney family is inordinately good looking, but that's not why it's fun to photograph them. It's fun because they're so connected to each other. Which makes it's easy to (do what photographers always want to do and) hide behind the camera to catch their moments between each other. 

I said this yesterday, but Nancy is also Dr. Finney. She is awesome in every way, just like her Super Woman partner. If you need an ObGyn, or any kind of cosmetic service, definitely call Fourseasons.

Thank you Finney Fam! Oh, I almost forgot. I made them a video too: 


2010 The Finneys from maile wilson on Vimeo.


Not to judge how one should spend her birthday, but...

When I think of what I want for my birthday I think of a spa day or spending hours reading, maybe laying on a beach somewhere or watching a guilt-free marathon of The Office. I think of anything that requires much sitting still, being pampered, and wine drinking. What I DO NOT think of on my birthday is exercise. What I ESPECIALLY do not think of on my birthday is RUNNING SOMEWHERE. And what I would rather die than do on my birthday is RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLES OF COSTA RICA for TEN DAYS of panting, sweating, watching for snakes, and trying not to swallow a tapeworm. But THIS is what my friend Karen called a "GIFT to herself".

I think she's part-robot, part-alien. And thanks to the power of the internet, she found other robot-alien friends from around the world who also love to spend their "vacations" out-running snakes and tapeworms. It's called the "Coastal Challenge", (you might as well describe water-boarding as a "facial"). You can watch these crazy brave people in real time here. Right from your pedicure chair.  

Karen, you are the most bionic woman I know. And for as much as I cannot relate to what you're doing, I am completely in awe of you.

Happy birthday to you! 

These are from her family shoot a few weeks back. If you've been reading this blog, you might recognize her because I've done her sessions ever since she was pregnant with her third. It's always fun to see how much the boys have grown. Plus they're all little hams. <3 them.

Owen the moody musician. :) 

Brilliant Ben.

Ethan the lady killer.
If you're in San Antonio you probably know this because her practice is wildly successful. But Karen is also Dr. Hasty, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. She and her partner Dr. Finney are two of the best around, and even better to hang out with. I love them both. I also love that their cosmetic program is erasing my pregnancy mask. If you have spots or lines that you aren't in love with, you should totally call Marta at Fourseasons

Dr. Finney's session tomorrow! (and hopefully a Blissdom wrap-up this week too). 


The Barerras

I'm in Nashville for Blissdom, which is an amazing blogging conference that I have so much to say about. But I only have 15 minutes. So here, pictures! Look at pictures!

Also, YES I am still shooting people! :)

This is my friend Jaime, who... (I know it's appropriate to say "whom" here, but that word makes me feel like I'm trying to be the Queen of England)... Anyway, I met her when my friend DD hosted a Stella and Dot party a while back. Have you ever seen Stella and Dot? It's really lovely, and I'm not just saying that. I kind of want the whole catalog. And the parties are fun because they're not high pressure-y. But that might be because Jaime is some kind of Stella and Dot Rockstar. I know this because every time I log onto facebook, I see pictures of her on a beach or a cruise ship or riding in a plane that Stella and Dot bought for her. Okay, the last part may or may not be true, but I'm sure it won't be long before she's earned the jet. 

And when she earns it, this is her cute family that will be flying to Barbados with her.  

The Barerras live on this huge ranch that has been in their family ever since the first Texan was born (I'm pretty sure). So it was fun photographing them in a place that had so much history for them. Also, who doesn't love a photo shoot that includes riding a horse?! 

Okay, maybe it was a golf cart but in my mind I was wearing chaps.

Thank you Jaime and Roy for such a fun day! xo


'You look stinkin' foxy.'

I just poured a nice glass of wine and am looking forward to settling in with the (fantastic) book I picked up in the airport. Not much time to write, but I wanted to leave you with something to enjoy over the weekend. 

Tara Whitney used to be one of my favorite blogs. Now she's one of my favorite people.

I simply adore her.

I adore her family.

And I'm in awe of the remarkably genuine way she and Jeff connect with their children. 

The Whitneys from maile wilson on Vimeo

Also, Tara chose the music, great right? It made me think I really need to start branching out again (iTunes-wise).