



































Entries in Families (77)


Intermission: Emily and Charles

My day took a crazy turn yesterday and so much slipped through the cracks...(including my Shutter Sisters post...SORRY TRACEY! The Kostenchuck fam is not ready to post yet either.

However, I did look at my files and realize that I have a BAZILLION sessions that I haven't blogged yet. I had no idea how much they'd been stacking up. So here we go...time out from Canada to meet cute Emily and her adorably grown-up little man Charles. So, she found me online (which sounds weird when you put it that way). But their shoot was so much fun that we ended up having lunch afterwards. She's really smart and animated, and tells the best stories. In fact posting this is reminding me that we really need to get together for sushi again, soon!

The only bad thing about her is that she looks like a super model, which always makes me feel like I need to lose 20 pounds, and spray tan, and get my roots done, and also get braces, botox, and a tummy tuck and before we get together.   :)

This is only a partial sampling of Emily's shoe collection which should be displayed in a museum, or at least an art gallery. If it was possible, I would have had her put them all on at the same time. This was the closest I could get. Love little Charles' feet in there too.

More from Canada tomorrow (hopefully).  


Baby Covarrubias


This was such a peaceful session. I think partly because Betyna's mom had flown in from Brazil (I hope I'm remembering that right) to stay with her for a long while. When I had my babies, my mom always flew in for at least a month, and it was such a burden that lifted. To have a few weeks where you're not responsible for everything, is the best gift you can give to any new mom.

And speaking of my mamacita, she is flying in today! Annie woke up this morning and declared this "the best day of her life". To say the least, we have all been counting down the days until Nana and Papa get here. Happy birthday to me! 


The Brenners 2.0

I was lucky enough to meet Debbie and Helmut + their three sweet kids last year. They're from Dallas, but have lived in Holland for the past few years. Occasionally, I sit down to drool with jealousy catch up on all their adventures of living in, and exploring Europe

This time Debbie wanted a more urban shoot, and suggested we go down to Mi Tierra. It's apparently a landmark for San Antonio, but since I mostly live with my head buried in the sand I never knew about it. Of course, now it's my new favorite place to shoot. Gotta love a family (who doesn't even live here) who introduces you to your own city. Gotta also love a family WHO CHOOSES THIS ONE FOR THEIR BIG CANVAS. YEP, they rock.

In goodwill. They totally put the wings on, un-prompted. Love them!

Love the kids' expressions in this one. 

 Thanks Deb and Helmut! :)


Shannon + Jeff + Help for Karen 

This is my cute friend Shannon, and her cute boyfriend Jeff. And they are so cute together. I think I told them that too much at their shoot. But I couldn't help it because they're so cute. 

And I loved her cute dress too...which incidentally she has a hilarious story about. I'm not going to tell it, except to say that it involved the play Wicked + a street vent. Maybe Shannon will read this, and fill in the deets in the comments. It's one of the best stories ever! Shannon?? :)

Jeff is really camera shy. It was a constant struggle trying to lure him out of his shell. 


Okay, one more thing. Remember when Shannon hosted a Hot Mama shoot at her house? Well, that's how I met Tracy Kubinski. Which is how I met Karen Hansel. Remember the one who is battling with stage 4 cancer? Well, you know how the world's problems can seem overwhelming? And you know how you always wish there was something you could do to make a difference? Well, this is one real way. In a nutshell, Karen is a single mom, battling a very cruel disease. Tracy has put together a way for you to donate either old gold (you know you have some 1994 crap that is wasting away in your jewelry box). Put it to good use! Or you can purchase a few raffle tickets  ($20 each). The grand prize is a 5 day Caribbean cruise! If you're interested in helping, there are more details up today at Shutter Sisters

And thank you again to everyone who has already emailed about helping! You all are completely amazing! xo


The Babyvision Crew: San Antonio Photographer

My good friend Brian thought it would be fun to treat his whole staff to a shoot the other day. Well, I'm not sure how much of a treat it was, because it's been over 100 degrees for weeks. Feels like your skin is frying off your face every time you walk outside. But they were all troopers...even the kiddos. And afterwards we cooled off by having a few drinks at the Huisache. Definitely the way to top off a great sesh.  :) 

Um, hello Miss (divaliscious model in the making) Eva...

Love this one.

Ashley, Brian and Shannon remind me of Three's Company. I think next time they should all wear tube socks, while riding banana seat bikes. ...Come and knock on our door...we've been waiting for youuuu....

If you are preggo, go visit Brian and his crew at Babyvision Ultrasound. They are awesome peeps! Also, speaking of being preggo, I think there are a few spots left for the Chic Mama shoot on Saturday. There will be hair+makeup+belly pics+lots more! If you're interested call (210) 545-7217 for deets!

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