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Hi Friday.

Meet my friends Cristina and Brian...


They are the Baby/Mommy power couple I was telling you about. Brian owns and operates Babyvision Ultrasound. Have you heard about it? It's where you get to see your baby in 3D before it's born! I don't know about you, but the highlight of my pregnancies were the sonograms. And this is the best kind, because you can really SEE your baby. Plus there's less room for mistaking its' sex, which is a plus for skeptics like me, who HAD to know what I was having, and then doubted it the whole time.

Cristina is also Dr. Cristina Salmon, and she does it all. Basically, after you have your baby, you know how you feel funky for a few months? She will ask you a million questions, and run lots of tests to make sure you're all balanced hormonally etc. Then she helps to put you back together again. And this applies to everyone (not just moms). I've known lots of people personally, who have gone to her for everything from insomnia, to depression and they  swear by it. And there is so much more too. So if you have questions, give them a call. They know their stuff, they are also cool peeps.

And their sweet daughter Eva is pretty adorable too. She was also the star of our Valentine's postcard , remember?


Cute fam. I wish you could see the whole house. They should also open an interior decorating business.








Thanks for a fun shoot you guys!

In other random bits: THANK YOU to everyone who emailed about being a Senior Ambassador for Relish! It was SO FUN reading what you all wrote and I wish I could pick everyone! I promise I will announce the winners at the beginning of next week.

Also, (I can't believe I haven't put my Shutter Sisters button up yet), but if you haven't visited, come over and play. The site is mucho caliente already. And my newest favorite feature is The Daily Click. YOU GUYS send in photos, and a new one gets chosen every day. The entries are AMAZING. I check it religiously now.

AND, I WON BROWNIES!!! Yep, I'm just writing to brag. Sam (my friend that I met in Tampa) held a contest asking married couples what their secrets to staying together are. I figured since we're going on 14 years, I could enter, and ended up winning! WOOT for brownies from Maine! If you want to read what I wrote go visit here. Sam is an amazing photographer, AND a professional writer. She's been winning all kinds of awards lately, but really my favorite thing about her is how QUICK she is. And she has no filter (in a funny good way, not scary 'oh no what are they going to say next' way). Thank you Samalisciousness!!!

And have a fun weekend everybody!

Reader Comments (7)

Oh.My.Gawd. That one of the mom and dad in the chair in front of the window is SMOKIN'!!! Wowzers, I need to go eat some chocolate or somthin'. Dang. =)

And shame on you for the auction comment about our very DEAR friend with a stage name.

And way to go for winning Sam's brownies. I was gonna enter, but seeing as I am so scatterbrained right now, I didn't think I should be giving anyone any advice!!! =) HUGS!
February 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKate Mefford
Congrats on winning the brownies!! And the photos are lovely-what a gorgeous family.
February 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersandee
What a beautiful family. I love the bunny one and the mom holding her, laughing. Truly sweet photographs.
February 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
What a gorgeous family!
February 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIrene
What stunning photos! Beautiful people and beautiful photography...a winning combo. Glad to see y'all doing well in TX! Rock on- T&t
February 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrina
February 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDejah Quinn
Dear Maile,

I loved your portraits, especially the close up of the kids! What huge amazing eyes they have! I can really appreciate your work, as I too was a portait photographer for many years. One of the things I really love was your support of positive attitude and spreading love and kindness. I started a new company just to do that. It is called the friendship stone at I decided to turn the friendhsip sotne into a business after I realized the profound affect these stones were having on the friends I gave them to. I also show some of my photography there, so please check us out.
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercathy

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