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I'll be back tomorrow with more Valentine's photos, as well as the story behind this cute rose-petal-throwing family! I'll give you a hint, they are San Antonio's Baby/Mommy Wellness Power Couple. Like the Brad and Angelina of Healthiness.  :)

 And, I also posted here today. Please come over and say hello.


HeART day.


DD said there are 24 people signed up for the shoot tomorrow. Can you say 'day at the spa' on Sunday?! Kidding...(well, sort of). If you are still thinking about joining us, we will accept walk-ins, but you might have to wait. So call ahead (210-545-7217). It's going to be fun! I'll have Valentine's treats. Plus there will be store-wide clearances at Chic Mama and Nursery Couture! So come stop by and say hola!  :)



Come visit me HERE today.  :0)


Tuesday bits

This is how they teach math now. Choose 100 items that can be affixed to a T-shirt and then go to school and count each other. We picked googly eyes. Gluing them on was almost as exciting as the Monopoly game, but it made a fun shirt that sounds like moraccas when you walk.


Mr. 1st grader cutie pie brought this home yesterday (from Martin Luther King Jr. day). I love how kids write.


And look, my friend Tara is selling these cute necklaces that she makes out of dominos. She made this one for Annie.


Aren't they cute?! DD sent over these pix of a few that she's selling at Chic Mama. So get to the store and check them out, or you can also reach Tara here.



Here's another interesting project that I found on photojojo. This man (Diego Goldberg) took a headshot of his family EVERY YEAR, beginning in 1976, up until 2007. What a simple and powerful way to document a family.

And in yet another bit of unrelated news, there are still a few spots left for the Valentine's Shoot this Saturday. Call 545-7217 if you want to get in!

Feb042008 la.

When I had the studio in California with my best friend Amber, we used to greet the day by cerranading each other "HOLA!"...but it was more of a high-pitched, dramatic crescendo, like "HOOOOOOOOOOLLAAAAAAAAHH!" I still catch myself doing it all the time. Only Amber's not there, and I'm usually met with a blank stare of, "Does she think she's Mexican? Why is this albino singing in Spanish to me?" Anyway, HHOOOOOOLLLAAA!!!

Did you have a good Superbowl Sunday? We didn't watch it. Shhh...don't tell. Chance wasn't feeling well, so we spent the afternoon playing Monopoly. I don't know what is more enthralling: watching a bunch of grown men millionaires run around, fighting for a ball. Or watching a 4 year old try to roll dice. It was the longest BORED game of the century. Tomorrow, I'm going to get my oil changed. And the next day I'm going to watch a pot of water boil.

I do have a photos for you. This is the cute Adams/Hilliard family. I photographed them last year, and they were so much fun. Tom and Jeanie were married in 1968, and met when she asked Tom for a pencil. :)



This is their daughter Paula, and her husband Steve.


Paula was the one who initially contacted me (from Maryland) about the session. They'd be in town for the holidays, and throughout our correspondence, she wanted to give me an idea about who everyone was. I LOVE it when people do that, because it's so much easier to tell a story. I hope she won't mind me sharing this, but I thought what she wrote about her parents was incredibly beautiful.

"My dad- private instructor pilot, entrepreneur all the way, real estate broker/teacher, dry sense of humor. Teases frequently. Brilliant mind, ask him anything. Great speech giver. Absolutely my mentor. Can speak 5 languages. Strong, unwavering faith (Catholic). Depression baby from large Pennsylvania family. Incredible human being."

"My mom- extremely talented and creative, gentle, sweet, fun-loving, smart, supportive, loved by everyone who meets her. The perfect mom, literally. Heart full of grace. Soul mate of my dad. From Roswell, originally. Have never seen her in a bad mood."   


They still fly all over the place together.


And, right when you think it can't get any sweeter, Miss Ava (cheeks) makes her entrance.



Happy happy. Joy joy.


Thank you Tom, Jeanie, Paula, Steve, and Miss Ava!