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Are you feeling the Black Eyed Peas today? I am. I can't get the song out of my head. Taking the kids to school, on the treadmill, drinking coffee, I can't stop singing, "Hey Mama". But I only know that one sentence, so it's driving me nuts. Yesterday was worse. I couldn't stop singing "churning and burning, she yearns for the cup". I'd written it in an email to Kal, thinking it was by Beck. Then my musiclapedia husband corrected me this morning. "That's not Beck, that CAKE". Whatever, they're pretty much the same thing.  :)

No, I don't really have a point. Want to see the rest of the hottie-mommies? You all probably know Melody by now. If not, what you should know about her is that she is a SUPER PLANNER. Every shoot I have ever done for her, is always perfectly coordinated and well thought out. Outfits are not purchases last minute. They are researched. They are embroidered. They are hand made. And they are not found at Target. They are found at etsy. She is also, always prepared for anything. Hungry kid? She has a snack. Torn pantyhose? She has a sewing kit. Surprise hurricane? She can build you an underground shelter. I don't know how, but she will find a way to do it with the items in her purse. And this is why I was not in the least bit surprised by the fact that Melody, a. had the creative idea of becoming a pin-up girl, and b. executed it perfectly. If you want to see all her images, she posted her pass word on her blog here.












My friend Suzanne.



She was last in the day, and such a trooper too. We were so booked, that by the end of her session we started losing daylight. These were taken underneath a light that was mounted to the ceiling outside one of the shops in that area. They ended up being some of my favorite shots of the day. It's funny how sometimes "negatives" can turn your path into something better than what you had planned.


Suzanne with Tina who did the catering. And she will be doing the next one too! So if you're not booked, get on it. Her food alone is worth coming for. I'm serious. I'm still dreaming about those stuffed tomatoes Tina.


Thanks again to everyone! It was a blast, and I can't wait until the next one on March 15th!


WANTED ...*and please scroll down for current posts :0)

Are you a junior in high school? I'm looking for ONE girl from each high school to represent Relish Photography. You will receive a FREE portrait session, as well as an online gallery for the entire year. You MUST be graduating in 2009, OUTGOING, INVOLVED, FRIENDLY, and FUN. You must also be willing to rock out your session...meaning, be open to artistic input about where to shoot, and what to wear. You must also be willing to show your kick ass photos to all your friends. If this is you, please email me asap, with all the reasons why you think you would make a great High School Ambassador. Winners will be selected by February 14th.


Mas Caliente

Cute Jen.



I adore this next shot. She has the most contagious smile.


And Jen took my favorite shot of the day. If you want to see it, go here.  It's my day to post at ShutterSisters! So please come over and say hello. All the sisters have been rocking it OUT.


Hot Mama Michele

She said I could share a few with you, so that more women/moms would be inspired to get in touch with their inner hotness. :) And no, that doesn't mean you have to have the rocking body that she has...or even that you have to bust out a pair of boy shorts. What it DOES mean, is that you have to take a day off to have your hair and makeup done. And come play dress up for a day. There are 2 spots left for March 15th. WOOT.





Monday is my boyfriend.

I still have a bunch more Hot Mama shots to post. Next up is my pretty friend DeAnna. Her eyes are amazing. And she almost makes me want short hair. 




Next, a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to The Kalanadian who sent me a big ol' box of goodies about a week ago. My life has been residing on the outer edge of a hurricane, so it's taken me this long to say that. Shame on me. Even worse, I would not let the kids eat any of the candy until I PHOTOGRAPHED IT FOR THE BLOG. Because I really am that much of a geek. Anyway, some of you might remember The Great Smartie Debates of 2007. This is the follow up, and I have to admit...those feaux smarties were damn good! :)



And look what else I got!! There's something about stamps that make me want to use it on every flat surface in my home.


And my favorite magnets ever. In all honesty, it's kind of surreal to be getting a package from The Kal, because I've admired her work for so long. Before I even knew what a blog was, I used to just go to her art site and swoon. Her work is so amazing, but what makes her my favorite is her way with words. She is totally one of a kind.


AND, she even sent a plantable calendar from Botanical Paperworks! It's her design, so of course they look great. But, when you're done, you can PLANT THE PAPER TO GROW FLOWERS. Man, I wish I would have thought of that! Isn't it cute? It comes in a little tin, and then folds out like this.


AND, speaking of CALENDARS! I totally forgot to post this when it came out! I had the privelege of doing family portraits last year for Brent Barry and his beautiful family. I can't show the rest of the shots, but here is the one they chose the Spurs calendar. Thanks Brent and Erin!


Last but not least, and totally changing the subject. I have to show you the cute little note my sister wrote to the kids. She is the cutest Auntie on the planet. But the reason I'm really showing it is because she always says that she's not an artist,  and not creative, and blah blah blah. I think it's time that she changes that stereotype of herself because someone who is not creative,  does not do cute things like this.


And while we're talking about it, I have to say that there's nothing I fidn more weird than when people say they "can't even draw a straight line". Who cares! Who ever saw a straight line that was even half way interesting anyway.

In other news, WE ARE TOTALLY BOOKED UP FOR THE FAMILY BRIGHTON SHOOT. I'm really sorry to all of you who could not get in. It was such a steal, the spots went really quickly. Also, I've gotten a bunch of questions about whether or not I will be doing another one. Unfortunately, the answer is no. This was a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

What I will be doing on a regular basis, are the Hot Mama shoots. There are 5 openings left for the March 15th session. After that, I think the April one will be in San Francisco (that's still tentative). After that, we'll see about a possible May shoot. Also, don't forget to call Chic Mama at 545-7217 if you want to get in on the Kids' Valentine Shoot on February 9th. Phew! That was a lot of information!
