The Mimari Family

My friend Katy, her very cool husband Damon, Mr. Cutiepie Cade, and soon-to-be-here Miss Ashlyn. I've had this idea in my head for a Christmas card for YEARS. And since Damon is a surgeon, they got kind of roped into playing along. Thanks you guys!
I'm in a black and white mood today.
I have to brag about Katy a little. She started her business, Caden Lane, less than three years ago and has grown it into a huge collection of beautiful baby accessories that are distributed through retailers all over the world, including Nordstrom. She has designed nurseries for various celebrities including Tori Spelling. And is headed to do Brooke Burke's twin's nursery in January...all this while she will be eight months pregnant herself! In addition, she also owns the adorable nursery here in town Nursery Couture. I don't know how she does it, but she pretty much rocks and is a huge inspiration for just jumping in and making things happen.