Goin' back to Cali.

I don't even know where to start, there's so much. Last Friday, I left for San Francisco to photograph my friend Melissa and her family. Melissa and I have such a long history together. In fact, I started to write about it, and just deleted three paragraphs because it was turning into a novel. Basically, she's one of my favorite people. We grew up together, and have gone through enough to know that we'll always be in each other's lives. Even if we rarely talk on the phone, and just occasionally email. She's the friend where years can pass, but the conversation will still be immediately easy, and comfortable, and candid. Plus she's freaking hysterical! My cheeks are still hurting from laughing so much.
My old friend.
She knows me so well. :0) We went straight from the airport to the spa. How cute is this place?...And look at the quote on the wall...love it.
Then a glass of wine.
Toward the end, we were in a hurry to meet her husband Carlos, for dinner. We looked down and noticed that we were both clutching our purses like old ladies. This is Melissa's "Golden Girl" immitation. Heehee!
And, reason number 1,000,0001 why I love California. Can you say wine flights? THIS is how to enjoy a lunch peeps. Oh, and this is Melissa's friend Lindsey whom I really wanted to hate. She was teensy skinny and perfectly put together. But then she had the nerve to also be completely adorable, and funny and real. I can totally see why she and Melissa are best friends. It was awesome to meet her. And oh, how I wish I could blog the things we talked about. :0)
And this is a random edge of a painting that was hanging in the bathroom of the restaurant. I've been looking for something to inspire me to paint my TV cabinet, and finally found it. Don't you love these colors together?
My sister, and ulterior motive for flying out. Look at her, she can't even be ugly when she tries. Beeyatch.
Told you all we did was laugh. And it was just like old times sleeping in Melissa's guest bed with my sissy. I told her I was going to roll up a blanket between us so that she couldn't "cross over to my side". Did anyone else do that as a kid? Anyway, in the morning we both woke up like mirror-image vampires laying next to each other. You know how you can't ever really relax when you're sleeping away from home? Well, apparently she feels the same way, because we both slept on our backs with our hands across our chests, like corpses. Hahaha!
One of the coolest things about the trip was that I got to experience SF in a totally new way. Having grown up an hour north of the city, we only used to come down for something special. It was always a big production to get there, and it never crossed my mind about what a neighborhood it really is. Made me love it even more.
Oh, and I swear I'm the worst picture-taker, because this is the only shot I got of my friend Tasha. She also went to high school with us, and was in town for a marathon. I felt so lucky to have gotten to see her, because it had been YEARS. Even though I should apologize for trying to peer pressure her to drink the night before she had to run a bazillion miles. Oops... :0)
If I had to summarize, I'd say that this trip was a comforting realization that some things never change. No matter what.
So then, Chapter Two: Since I was already in CA, on a whim I decided to meet Katy and DD in LA to help them do Ashley Simpson's nursery. And I really don't have much to say about it because it was fairly uneventful. We finished painting the first day, and the big highlight was when Katy broke the antennae off the huge (extremely intricate) Llego bee. Whoops.
Everything else was just chillin in LA. Which always seems like a different world to me. Doesn't it? Oh, there's not time to write about it, so I will just leave you with a shot of the divas looking very LA-ish.
Also, an update. Thanks to my amazing husband who can pretty much fix anything, my computer is back to normal. And so am I. We're running full steam ahead. Saturday was the first of the big Christmas shoots. And I will say that it went surprisingly smoothly. Can I just say again that I have the best clients on earth? FOR REAL. Also a HUGE THANK YOU to my sweetest friend DD who volunteered to keep me company ALL DAY. Like for no reason, other than just to be there for me. In the heat. And even brought me lunch. You are awesome and I love ya sister. xo
And even though I'm posting this at 7:04pm, I will still be posting tomorrow. So get your Crapshoots ready and come back then!