The Bruner Fam

If I had time, I'd take a picture of the rain drops on my window. They're making me so happy. I hope it storms while I'm reading later. Even though I finished The Glass Castle last night. It was so good that as the end approached, I was counting down pages. Thought I had three left, only to find out that the last two were BLANK! Don't you hate that?! It's like being immersed in the best conversation, only to have someone run abruptly out the door. I wanted to hear what happened next, and next, and next. So I ran upstairs and googled everything I could about Jeannette Walls. I wish she had a BLOG! I would totally stalk her. And anyway, now I'm in the zone. I need another book recommendation! Michelle said to get this one, and she's the book guru, so I will. Any other ideas? I want a page turner!
Now meet the Bruner Family. I knew I loved her when she suggested dragging her gorgeous couch out onto the front lawn.
Aren't they the sweetest?! Thanks you guys! And thank you Karen and Carrie Friesenhahn for the referral.
Have a fabulous weekend!

Reader Comments (12)
P.S. I will let you know if I can get around to going to that concert - it'd be a blast if you could come (I'm a fellow Jewel-lover too!)
I'm currently reading 2 books: The Last Lecture, and Let God Let Go. I'm trying really hard to become a tigger and worry free!
My current book is Infidel...another true story. They tend to be my fav!! (O and it is really good too!)
Nana and Papa love you
with all our hearts and
are so glad YOU were born!!
Relish the Journey!
Gorgeous pics of the Bruner family Maile. You are sensational!