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You know what, tomorrow I'm going to spend a thousand dollars on candy and makeup.


Camden and Ella

I'd always wanted to do this, so when Dawn called to see if I would photograph her twin's birthday party, I was thrilled. Here's what we got.

My favorite shot from the day is posted here. Thanks Dawn for including me in your special family day! It was so fun working with all of you. Also, thanks to my good friend Dionisia Cobbalisioussness :) for the referral!

Now go have a good hump day everybody! woot. :0)


Crap shoot

What is Crap shoot Tuesday?

Underexposed. I was just testing the light, and would have deleted it. Except that what I see here isn't an out-take. It's a man who, even at the end of a horribly stressful day at work, is sweet enough to load a loveseat and 3 kids into our car, and drive an hour and a half round trip so I can finally get this promo done. Never complaining once. thanks j.

What do you have to share today?



Woke up to more news about the $700 billion corporate bail-outs, but who's counting?

And who has time to get upset when you have Morning Outfit Battles to fight?! First, I get that she's five. And if you can't wear glitter heels and fairy wings then, when can you wear them? Most of the time, I let her pick what she wants, even if it's the high-water rainbow pants, with a snowman sweater in June. But I have to draw the line at school. Partly because even at five, we can't always live in an enchanted forest. And partly because the school (yep, even in kindergarten) has a dress code. No spaghetti straps, flip flops ETCETERA.

The problem is that ETCETERA is usually what my daughter would most like to wear. So this is my every morning.

Me: "Annie, do you want to wear this or this?"

Daughter: "I want to wear THIS". (not one of the options. Instead she is pointing to a too-small black turtle neck with leopard fur trim at the wrists.

Me: "You can't honey. It's going to be 91 degrees today." I might as well be telling her about the crash of the mortgage industry. After 5 more minutes of begging, reasoning, bickering she picks an altogether different dress from her closet. "Fine, but if you're wearing a dress, then you have to wear these shorts underneath."


Me: "Those shorts are longer than your dress. Please just wear these ones."

Daughter: "FINE." pout pout pout. And then more whining about wearing her hair up vs. down, what shoes to wear, what breakfast she wants, what snack to put in her bag. We barely get out the door on time and all I can think about is that little girl in the true Glass Castle story who had to use a marker to color her legs through the holes in her pants so the other kids would hopefully not notice.

And this is my every morning with my son.

Me: "Hey honey, your outfit is on your dresser. There is cereal on the table, and don't forget to brush your teeth."

Son: "Okay."

I'm just going to get a headstart on her teen years and begin drinking now.


I need your input... :0)

I'm putting together a photography segment for The Living Show in November which will be centered around how to shoot a great holiday portrait. Finding light, tips for working with kids...etc.. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see, or questions you might want to have answered? I'd appreciate the feedback very much...(even if you're not in San Antonio!). Thank you! xo