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So we made our annual trip to Love Creek Orchards. This time, DD and Beau and their kiddos came, which made it even better! Even though, none of the pictures I took of them really turned out. Sorry, maybe she'll post some on her blog soon. HINT, DD. :)

For some reason Emily was super cranky for most of the day. And I'm the mean mom that thinks she's so cute when her bottom lip buckles under like that. She is going to stomp on my camera some day.

Jason taking his pumpkin carving very. seriously.

These were so good after we toasted them. I felt very Martha Stewart-ish for a minute.

And look at my new chandelier! Found it in NY when I was at market with Katy, and recently painted all the walls chocolate to set it off. Now I just need something amazing to hang up in there. Any ideas? I was thinking of a series of dandelion photographs. But then I'd have to find time to take them. What do you think? I'm thinking turquoise-y / periwinkle frames...?

Other randomness, did you guys know that Mary Engelbreit is discontinuing The Home Companion?!! (thanks Jana!) I find this news to be devastating because 1. it's my favorite mag. And 2. I never ordered a subscription! WTF was I thinking?! I would always only pick it up randomly as I stumbled on it. But now that it's going away, I'm feeling like I missed the  bus. So, if any of you pack rats out there, have saved any issues that you'd be willing to part with, I'd be so happy to take them off your hands. Or pay shipping? Just let me know! :0)

Okay, I need to get back to the editing marathon. But I have to say it's nice to be back. I'll see you tomorrow. Bring your Crapshoots!


Putting down the pumpkins...

Been horrible about posting lately. Totally flaked on Crapshoot Tuesday too, sorry. It's been super busy with sessions. However, seeing as how that usually doesn't stop me, I'm pretty sure I've got Autumn Fever in a bad way. Sunday I woke up feeling like I would die if I didn't get to paint my diningroom walls chocolate brown RIGHT! THIS! MINUTE! And all I want to do is carve pumpkins, eat mounds of Halloween candy, and sit by the window drinking spiked cider. Anyone feel me?

Well, I promise I'll be back soon. For now, you can find me HERE.


Shutter Sisters post

Here today. :0)

Happy Friday! Happy weekend!


The Sanchez Fam

Melissa, Carlos and Landon... :0)

Thanks again you guys! It was so fun seeing you Meliss and  meeting the sweet boys in your life!

And if anyone else wants to schedule a session, remember I'm always available for travel.

OH! And changing the subject a little bit...if anyone is interested in booking their Hot Mama session, but just can't get enough girls together, I have 2 spots open for a shoot on October 23rd.



Crapshoot Tuesday

What is it and how do you play?

It had been forevever since we talked. But within 30 minutes of picking me up at the airport we were laughing so hard we were crying. That is the best.

Do you have one to share today?