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Hola! You probably noticed that some changes are going down around here. Yep, finally. And I would say that it's been smooth sailing. Except for then I would be LYING OUT OF MY ASS. Not even going to front. The only things I like to be new, are shoes. And if it's technical, I pretty much HA-A-A-T-E learning it. I HA-A-A-T-E learning new systems, new instructions, and basically anything that is not My Same Old Way. Learning curves SU-U-U-CK! Jason can't even tell me how to clean the coffee maker without my eyes glazing over. It's like an automatic reflex where suddenly, even though I see his lips moving, the sound is muffled. And then I feel like I'm looking at him through a piece of filmy glass. Or maybe from another dimension, where everything is ALWAYS DONE THE SAME OLD RIGHT WAY.

I'm like that old surgeon who was on Greys Anatomy last week. You know the one who clamped a man shut by using a couple rusty nails that she keeps in her purse? (...or something like that). Because that's how they did it in the war. And what if you didn't HAVE your fancy schmancy scalpel, doctor? What if you were in the desert, alone with a dying man and only two nails? Just sayin' might wish you had never opened up this can of new-blog worms, then Doctor.

Annnd on a nicer note, I'm also here, today. Please come visit me. I promise I only whine on my own blog.  :) 


San Antonio Family Photographer: The Criggers

Jen and I went to high school together. The last time I saw her was at her wedding ELEVEN (holy crap!) years ago. Since then, she has multiplied by ONE very sweet husband, TWO very busy boys, and ONE cutie patootie girl. Kelly's in the army, so they've been living all over the world. I was surprised to find out that one of her favorite places was Korea, and I loved hearing all their stories. In one sense it felt like there were lifetimes to catch up on. But in another way, it felt like I'd just seen her yesterday. Isn't it weird how, with childhood friends, there's never any awkward warm-up time necessary?



Thanks Jen and Kelly! Let's not let another 11 years pass! 

Now it's back to bed for me. Looks like it's my turn to catch whatever has been going around because I'm living in Fevertown. And also Poutingtown because I'm not sure if I'll make it to Houston for the Mom 2.0 Summit now. Big BOO on that. I was so looking forward to meeting everyone. And I worked so hard getting my new playlist ready for the 3 hour car ride. GO AWAY germs. ugh.

One more thing. I got a few emails from people saying that they're having trouble commenting. If you are too, would you mind letting me know? I don't know what's going on with squarespace, but I can only post through Safari now. 


She must have been flying on US Air.

How many times have you felt like doing this in an airport? And how awesome would it be just once, to give in to that feeling?!

*found via Stacy Kane who posted a link on facebook. 

Tons going on this morning. I'll be back later.


San Antonio Newborn Photographer: Baby Jude

Lindsey is a medical physicist. And I can't remember what her husband does, but it's something equally phenomenal. They're both brilliant, but unassuming. When you meet them, you feel like you've known them for years. And Mr. 2 year old Noah, is like a reflection of his laid back parents. Totally open, and fun, and engaging. I just straight up love shooting this family. 

Welcome baby Jude. :)

Thank you Karen for the referral. :)

And speaking of Dr. Feinstein, some of you have emailed me asking about how the Obagi is doing. I think I've been using it for more than a month, and I can totally see a difference in my skin. After three kids, I had that lovely "pregnancy mask" (nice term)...anyway this stuff is lightening them. I did take a before picture, so I'll post it with an "after" shot at some point. In the mean time, if you're looking for someone to help you with a similar problem, give Neely at Fourseasons a call (210) 593-0700. Even if you're out of state, they can ship everything. And if you're local, Neely also offers a comprehensive list of cosmetic services to speed up the anti-aging process. Go check them out!

And as for me, it's back to work. Chance has been sick all weekend, so I'm trying to get caught up before I leave for this on Thursday. Hope you all had a fun Valentine's day weekend!


Hot Mamas: Gisela + Rosanna + Donniece

Sorry, I tried to post yesterday but there were technical difficulties with Squarespace.

Gisela was one of the first people I met when we moved to San Antonio six years ago. We were both in the same playgroup when our oldest children were THREE. But the kids got older, and involved in other activities, and we lost touch. So it was great to see her, and get to catch up on what's been going on over the past few years. 

Rosanna did this as a gift to herself for her 30th birthday. Loved it! I think every woman should make this an annual event!

Donniece actually did a Hot Mama shoot before, and had more ideas, so she came back again! How cool is that?! I love how she styled everything with the sweater and the bright purple jacket. 

And I'll post the rest tomorrow. 

For now, it's back to work, work, work.  

xo :)