For the record, lots of VO-O-O-W-E-L-S means I'm whining, really loudly. And moaning. And groaning. And grunting. And drinking.

Hola! You probably noticed that some changes are going down around here. Yep, finally. And I would say that it's been smooth sailing. Except for then I would be LYING OUT OF MY ASS. Not even going to front. The only things I like to be new, are shoes. And if it's technical, I pretty much HA-A-A-T-E learning it. I HA-A-A-T-E learning new systems, new instructions, and basically anything that is not My Same Old Way. Learning curves SU-U-U-CK! Jason can't even tell me how to clean the coffee maker without my eyes glazing over. It's like an automatic reflex where suddenly, even though I see his lips moving, the sound is muffled. And then I feel like I'm looking at him through a piece of filmy glass. Or maybe from another dimension, where everything is ALWAYS DONE THE SAME OLD RIGHT WAY.
I'm like that old surgeon who was on Greys Anatomy last week. You know the one who clamped a man shut by using a couple rusty nails that she keeps in her purse? (...or something like that). Because that's how they did it in the war. And what if you didn't HAVE your fancy schmancy scalpel, doctor? What if you were in the desert, alone with a dying man and only two nails? Just sayin' might wish you had never opened up this can of new-blog worms, then Doctor.
Annnd on a nicer note, I'm also here, today. Please come visit me. I promise I only whine on my own blog. :)

Reader Comments (11)
Anything I know about the computer, Billy has had to trick me into learning.
And now he asks ME how to do stuff.
By the way, I love this fresh look. AND, I think that's your hand writing under the cute relish logo with the red hibiscus-y type flower dotting the 'i', right? Can't tell you how happy I am to see your 'free-hand' again.
And I'm with you in the learning-new-crap area. I'm not in school any more for a REASON.