San Antonio Newborn Photographer: Baby Jude

Lindsey is a medical physicist. And I can't remember what her husband does, but it's something equally phenomenal. They're both brilliant, but unassuming. When you meet them, you feel like you've known them for years. And Mr. 2 year old Noah, is like a reflection of his laid back parents. Totally open, and fun, and engaging. I just straight up love shooting this family.
Welcome baby Jude. :)
Thank you Karen for the referral. :)
And speaking of Dr. Feinstein, some of you have emailed me asking about how the Obagi is doing. I think I've been using it for more than a month, and I can totally see a difference in my skin. After three kids, I had that lovely "pregnancy mask" (nice term)...anyway this stuff is lightening them. I did take a before picture, so I'll post it with an "after" shot at some point. In the mean time, if you're looking for someone to help you with a similar problem, give Neely at Fourseasons a call (210) 593-0700. Even if you're out of state, they can ship everything. And if you're local, Neely also offers a comprehensive list of cosmetic services to speed up the anti-aging process. Go check them out!
And as for me, it's back to work. Chance has been sick all weekend, so I'm trying to get caught up before I leave for this on Thursday. Hope you all had a fun Valentine's day weekend!

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