San Antonio Family Photographer: The Criggers

Jen and I went to high school together. The last time I saw her was at her wedding ELEVEN (holy crap!) years ago. Since then, she has multiplied by ONE very sweet husband, TWO very busy boys, and ONE cutie patootie girl. Kelly's in the army, so they've been living all over the world. I was surprised to find out that one of her favorite places was Korea, and I loved hearing all their stories. In one sense it felt like there were lifetimes to catch up on. But in another way, it felt like I'd just seen her yesterday. Isn't it weird how, with childhood friends, there's never any awkward warm-up time necessary?
Thanks Jen and Kelly! Let's not let another 11 years pass!
Now it's back to bed for me. Looks like it's my turn to catch whatever has been going around because I'm living in Fevertown. And also Poutingtown because I'm not sure if I'll make it to Houston for the Mom 2.0 Summit now. Big BOO on that. I was so looking forward to meeting everyone. And I worked so hard getting my new playlist ready for the 3 hour car ride. GO AWAY germs. ugh.
One more thing. I got a few emails from people saying that they're having trouble commenting. If you are too, would you mind letting me know? I don't know what's going on with squarespace, but I can only post through Safari now.
Reader Comments (15)
Beautiful images! Feel better!
Seriously...I LOVE THEM MAILE! Thanks again. And again, and again, and again! xoxo
hope you feel better soon enough for your trip. Blessings...
Those kind of friendships are the best - where you can pick up as if you never left off, even if it's been years.
The third photo is my favorite.
It would be the most incredible thing EVER if you took pictures of my family. We are in Houston and would LOVE (did I say this already?) it if you would take our picture.
Anyhow, keep doing what you're doing, you are supposed to be.