The Mattivi Family: New Braunfels Photographer

A few weeks back, I got to photograph my friend Tara and her gorgeous family. Our girls used to go to school together, so it's always fun to catch up, and marvel at how grown up everyone's getting.
Cute fam. I love the outfit choices too!
LOVE Miss Olivia's smile with her happy, half-moon eyes.
Stunning mommy.
I posted this one before on Shutter Sisters, but had to put it up again because Miss Olivia took the shot. It's my favorite of them, because I know they're looking at their daughter through the lens. Sweet.
Shawn was so happy when the train went by, he could hardly contain himself! :)
I ADORE this one. It was taken in between set up for another shot, and I barely grabbed it. Totally goes to show how quickly you can miss the best moments if you're not paying attention. Or if you're always focused on what's next.
And maybe my favorite shot of the whole session was posted on Shutter Sisters a couple weeks ago. It's my take on The Beatle's Abbey Road album cover. You can check it out here, if you want.
Thanks cute Mattivi's!
Oh, and did anyone see this link at Photojojo? You take a picture wherever you are, and upload it to the Earth Mosaic Project. Sounds fun! Not that I will have time to be working on any fun projects today, BUT...maybe you will. :)
I would like to say again how much I've been appreciating all the emails and comments that everyone has been sending. And if you're waiting for a response from me about anything, I promise I'm trying to work my way out of the mountain of editing and emails that accumulated over my the last week. In the mean time, Happy Hump Day! :)