George to the world!

This morning, the sky was like a cosmic West Side Story dance. In one corner, the clouds were ominous and black, faintly seizing with the flickers of lightning. In the other, they were rimmed with happy sunrise promises. I love it when this happens because the sun is low enough to cast side-lighting. And the clouds are also low enough to bounce it back down and disperse it over you, like you're in the middle of a snow globe.
But just as I was thinking about grabbing my camera, the storm rolled through. And then Annie threw up all over the living room floor. We had finally found her shoes, her backpack. I'd just gotten her hair braided, and up came breakfast. Poor baby. And poor Houlihans restaurant (I guess). Because I'd been blaming them all weekend for my "food poisoning". Guess it's a virus after all. And here we go again.
And as if my morning wasn't crazy enough, not five minutes after Annie pukes, Emily is up, belting her favorite song down the stairs (in nothing but her underwear of course), "GEORGE TO THE WORLD! Listen to the sea...listen to the sea!" And it makes me laugh, not just because it's a Christmas carol in March. But because it's so much more creative than the same old, predictable "Joy to the world!"
So I have some snaps from the Oregon trip. I had originally planned to spend a week with these wonderful girls, here. And then stuff happened which made me have to cut everything short. It was a bummer, but the time I got to spend with my mom and sister was incredible. And had it not been for the Photogirls retreat, and being in Oregon anyway, I don't think we'd have thought to plan something with just the three of us. Because it's one kind of wonderful when you visit with families. Kids and husbands get to play, while you make meals and do laundry, and squeeze fun moments in between the care-taking. This time, we just got to play. We stayed up, and slept in, went to flea markets, visited wineries, and pretty much spent the ENTIRE weekend laughing. I think I almost forgot that that's also how we spent our entire childhood, too.
This was the cutest restaurant, converted from an old church. They make fresh bread every day, and the food is beamed down on plates from heaven.
Bill came with us when we went wine tasting. Which was probably a good thing considering he only drinks root beer. :)
Seems like every restaurant in Oregon is a microbrew. And one of my mom and Bill's favorites is Steelhead Brewery. And you get to sit in comfy chairs, too.
Bill took this one of my unsuspecting sister. I love her expression here.
One thing I'm always trying to get people to do with me here, is paint pottery. But my friends mostly pat me on the head, and say "um yeah, maybe next month." So it was fun to get to play with paint a little.
Mine is a travel coffee cup with my name on it, so Jason can't steal it.
And these are random snaps I took on a rainy day around my mom's neighborhood.
Also, if you emailed about the Hot Mama shoot, I will get back to you asap. And please don't worry, if you had a space in the last one, you will have a space in this next one.
Later homies.
Reader Comments (11)
This is one of those rare times when I am on a high-speed computer and can see your page like everyone else does!
Your Momma is gorgeous and so are her daughters. I'm so proud to be related to you three. :) And Billy too of course. ;)
I love your pics, and am looking forward to the day, whenever it is, when we get to go on a photo adventure together. Also, I love it because it shows me your Mum's neighbourhood. Someday I'll visit her there!
My little one sings "If you're happy in your nose, clap your hands!" I can not bring myself to correct her. The rest goes "If you're happy in your nose, and your shiny shiny shows..."
Oh please, I hope my shiny shiny doesn't show, but if it does clapping would make it better.
thinking of you today...came over to see if there were updates. : )
hope you're recouping well my dear!