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Hi there! I'll be back later, but wanted to quickly say that we're moving Hot Mama shoot to May 23rd. There were some schedule conflicts with the original date, and that's why I've been hesitant to send out the email. But I am planning on getting it out today. If you've already inquired, or scheduled for the original April 18th date, you will get first priority. And based on inquiries, I think we're close to being booked already. So if you're interested, email me soon! 



I don't usually read celebrity blogs because I figure they're just about marketing or damage control. And probably written by PR reps anyway. But a few weeks ago, I stumbled across Jewel's blog and it seems real. I've always been a fan of her lyrics, poems, writing. She's fascinating for the way she articulates her amazing insights. And her last post about fame was so interesting. So true.

Here are a few excerpts.

"Fame does not exist except in the minds of people. It is not real. It's like the Easter Bunny, or Disneyland. It is not a real thing. It is not a tree or air or bread."

"One group is made of those who wanted to be excellent at their craft, and by being excellent became successful or famous as a side effect. For this group, being good at their craft was the goal. For the other group fame is the destination. When you meet someone, you can instantly see which of the two groups they fall in. People who want to be good at a craft are good listeners. They are usually humble, confident and secure. They spend most of their time practicing-not networking. The other group is usually insecure and has a deep need for attention and to be liked. They usually have big egos and are somewhat narcissistic and self centered."

"Fame is not some magical transformation. It is simply a heightened awareness of a person. That's it. It just means suddenly a lot of people are aware of you that weren't before. There is no metamorphosis that takes place, unless you are foolish enough to take it personally, in which case it can warp your mind."

"We are all just expressions of the same thing, and I love them all. I have such a passion and compassion for how hard everyone-each of us-works at being alive, striving for happiness and love and satisfaction."

"In the end there is only a great life lived, or a life squandered, whether it was a public life or not."


Lindsey's mini senior sesh: San Antonio Graduation Photography

I usually try to refrain from posting here at night, because my mind is wobbly by the end of the day. But, tomorrow is going to be craziness on wheels again. So that's what you get: loopy run-ons.

You also get to meet my cute babysitter, Lindsey. She is awesome, and I love her. And if you're in San Antonio, and looking for someone to watch your kids, don't even THINK about it. She's mine. :)

Lindsey helped me at the Kid's Shoot last month. So I thought it would be fun to do a mini shoot of her at the end of the day. She's graduating in June, and we have another "real" session planned. But I thought these were fun because it was super windy that day. That's like a running joke now, especially when we're using the fan at Hot Mama shoots. "More wind please. Dammit, we need more WIND!" But you have to say it with an English accent.

Also, the senior special (link in the sidebar) is completely booked. BUT, I've decided to extend that price, IF you schedule in APRIL. I think there are about 4 spots left. And speaking of that, I just realized yesterday that I have no available weekends until June. Part of it is because of shooting. But it's also because my calendar is on crack. So the moral of this story is that if you need a weekend shoot during the summer, don't wait to call!

Windy pictures coming up.

 Couldn't decide which one I liked better, so you get both.  :)

 Happy Friday Internettle-cakes. 



Shutter Sisters Dream Assignment: Picture Hope from LittlePurpleCow Productions on Vimeo.

I'm a little late in mentioning this, so you might already know that Microsoft is hosting a competition called the Name Your Dream Assignment. The photographer with the most inspiring idea will win $50,000 to turn their dreams into reality. WHAT?!! How cool, right?!

So Jen and Stephanie, (two amazing Shutter Sisters), have been working on an incredible project called Picture Hope. If they win, they'll be traveling all over the world to capture images which tell stories of people whose lives represent the idea of HOPE. And in the short time that this has been posted, their idea is already ranked in the TOP FIVE! It's so exciting to think that this could really happen for them. So if you agree that we could all use a little more Hope in the world, please take a second to GO VOTE! And if you have a blog, facebook status, twitter account, or smoke signal, please help to spread the word! THANK YOU! 




I'm back! Swimming through emails, phone calls, know how it goes when you return from a few days off. The hard part is that I'm also feeling very distracted. As if every idea I've ever had, has decided to sprouted wings and swirl around in my brain like a swarm of bees. I think I need to learn to meditate. And I also think I'm finally going to call that Tai Chi place that my friend Suzanne has been raving about for years. She says it quiets your mind, and balances you out. Might be a healthier alternative to a bottle of chardonnay. So, I had the best best visit with my mom and sister. We realized that since we got married, and then had kids, it's been YEARS since just the three of us got to hang out, and be our old selves together. It's so nice to have people in the world who you can totally let go with. Sleep in. Laugh too loud. Or not. People who will tell you that yes those jeans actually do make your butt look fat. And all you are is grateful for the info. Yep. It was a rare slice. I'll post a few shots from the trip soon. 

For now, you get to meet baby Cohen. How CUTE is that for a first name?! I love him. I loved his adorable, laid-back, fun parents too!

 Had to get the A&M ring in. And his expression cracks me up!


 Thank you Karen for the referral!!