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A few from the Mini Sessions at Chic Mama

This is Cute Kim, and her husband Cute Jerry. She works at Chic Mama and we love her. We love her despite the fact that she packs bananas in her purse to snack on, and eats edamame beans for lunch. She is in fact SO healthy that one day she got sick, just from eating a little ranch dressing. If you ask me, that is total proof that being healthy is not good for you.  

 Blue dumpsters are pretty.

This "Grace" one is my favorite.

I'm always on a mission to do my friends headshots. For one, because everybody needs one. But mostly because people need to stop putting pictures of their kids on their facebook profiles.  :)

Kim again, and Maria from Tango Baby. She is the Queen of Cute Baby Slings. If you're in the market for one, definitely check out her website. 

Robyn even did my makeup that day, so DD took one of me too. 

In other news...

If you haven't checked out Awkward Family Portraits yet, you need to go there right now. I got emails from Stephanie, Katy, and Olivia all in one day. (Is someone trying to tell me something?) The only thing that made me mad as I was going through the site was that my friend Amber wasn't there to laugh with me. We owned our first studio together way back when perms were cool. And some of our shots could seriously rival anything on that site. OMG, I just had the best idea. I think I'd have to blur out the faces of our poor innocent victims clients. But maybe I'll post some of our early "work" here. Ohhhhhhh, I'm going to dig some gems up tonight. 

Just as soon as I finish writing my Shutter Sisters post for tomorrow. Any ideas? 


Family + Senior Portrait Combo

I could go on about how fun this family is. But it can be summed up by saying that they purchased a LEOPARD-PAINTED LIMOUSINE just for fun on weekends. They hire a retired driver to take them + all their friends around town. How smart is that?! And how much do I want to be them when I grow up?! 

Ashlyn is so sweet, plus a totally hot mama! I love when people bring hats!

Ashlyn combined her family session with her daughter's senior portrait shoot. *hint peeps* (that's a great way to get more bang for your buck!) 

I also LOVE it when seniors bring their prom dresses! It makes for more interesting images. Plus, you end up with a better variety. You know? Always good to mix it up with something unexpected. 

Thanks Karen for the referral! Also, thanks for all the nice notes from Friday's post! It's nice to know I'm not alone in my disease of perfectionist paralysis! :) And if you were wondering about paint colors, I put that info in the comments. 

Be back soon with pix from the Chic Mama Mini Belly Shoots! :)


imperfectly perfect.

*Starting this out with a bit of a side note* A couple weeks ago my friend DD had a few people over to watch some sort of fight on television. I think it was an important one, because there was yelling upstairs. But I couldn't be too sure because I spent the majority of my night on the porch. Drinking wine. Lots of wine. So much wine, that at one point in the night I cornered poor Katy's husband, Damon, with my "Cancer Talk". I'm guessing it was because he's a surgeon, so of course he would be DYING to hear every detail of what I'd been through. Probably about as much as I adore reading through camera manuals in my free time. And on weekends with friends. Ugh...embarrassing!

Especially because the truth is that I'm not sure how to talk about my brush with cancer. There are so many people who've been through much worse. People who are brave and heroic, who have to face death and the real possibility of leaving their children. I hyperventilated on my bed just waiting for anesthesia. So there's something in me that feels like the Lucky Brat of cancer survivors. That I haven't earned the right to talk about how profoundly it changed me. But it totally did. I used to live as if everything was ALL or NOTHING. If it wasn't "perfect", it was crap. And that meant that I would neglect it, until I felt like I'd be able to do it perfectly. This perspective affected everything. If I couldn't fit into the size 5's, then I might as well eat an entire pizza and buy stock in elastic waistbands. If I didn't have time to get my car cleaned and waxed, then why not let the kids treat it like their own personal dump land. This of course applied to my house, too. If I wasn't able to buy everything I wanted at Pier One, then I might as well not have photos up on the walls FOR FIVE YEARS. 

So what might seem like the simple act of hanging pictures, for me, is huge. It's one way that I've decided to live my life TODAY...however imperfect and messy it may be. It's a way of being grateful for what I have, rather than focusing on what might be lacking. And acknowledging that life will always be imperfect, and that's okay. Even beautiful.

So my little decorating spree started with this painting. I bought the canvas last year, with the intention of painting a "5" on it (for each family member). Finally got it out the other night, and did it. Using paints I already had, and the kids' brushes. "Just enough is plenty", is from my amazing cousin Leah. Those words had been banging around in my head for days after reading them. They seemed to be exactly what the painting needed.

The pillow is from Pier One. I almost didn't buy it because there were two others that had all the "perfect" colors. The "shoulds" in my head almost tangled me up. But I'd promised myself that I was done ever buying anything again, that I didn't genuinely love to look at. So this was it. As it turns out, you can throw a bunch of stuff that you like, together. And it all has a way of working itself out. Next project: finally getting photos into those frames (below). Hey, it's one step at a time, people.

Remember my adventures in Mullin? Well these had been propped up against the wall for MONTHS. I'd been procrastinating because, once again, I didn't have the "perfect" frames. In the end, these are mostly all frames I already had. Just painted them white. And I can't tell you how happy it makes me to look at my grungy pictures against the fanciness of the velvet chandelier. WHY do I ever WAIT to do this stuff?!

 View from the living room. I chose the plants because they remind me of the Ti-leaves that used to surround our house on Maui, when we were growing up. Ti-leaves are supposed to bring you good luck, so I'm adopting that notion for these plants, too. And don't the pot colors make your belly happy?!

 Clearly, I got on a roll, because the next thing I knew I was painting the TV cabinet, too. Still not finished with it, but it's better than the primer that had been covering it for almost TWO YEARS.

And FINALLY got the family photos up from last Christmas. I bought them unfinished at Michael's, and J spray painted them with chalkboard paint. Love how they turned out.

The kids were getting inspired by all the painting, so I let them play too. 

Gotta love that concentration.

And here are a few fun shots from Mother's Day. We busted out the waterslide. Mimi always takes a thousand years to get up the nerve to go down. Complete with her floatie on.  :)

Almost down can do it!!

Did it! Phew! :)

And that's it for now. Have an awesome weekend everybody! xo



The other night, my good friend Misha Pisha Michelle made an interesting observation. She said she doesn't like it when she asks someone how they're doing, and the response is "SO busy!" I totally get it. Even if it's unintentional, it kind of feels like maybe they're too busy for the conversation. And maybe there's also a subtle insinuation, that everyone else just isn't quite so busy. That they're running marathons, and saving children from burning houses. While you're sitting at home eating donuts and watching Tyra. That being said, it's been SO BUSY around here! :) GEESH. Don't you think April and May give November and December a run on the Non-Stop-Activity Scale?!! Only it's worse because it sneaks up on you. At least with the holidays, you're prepared to be insane. Between school wrapping up, and field trips, 2 birthdays within 4 weeks, and has been Crazy Town. And my little blog has been neglected because of it. So, tonight I'm going to do my best to get a post up with pictures. But in the mean time, it was my turn at Shutter Sisters today. Just a few thoughts on being a photographer. Come say hello. And I'll see you here again, soon. xo


The Bounds Family: San Antonio Belly + Baby Photographer

Been saving these so I could show both sessions together. We shot the belly around the studio, and then I came to the house for Mr. Sebastian's newborn debut. 

Congratulations Alan and Becky! And thank you Brian for the referral!! :)