HOLY COW, you guys are AWESOME. I'm overwhelmed, and amazed and GRATEFUL for your sweet notes, and posts, and tweets, and positive feedback. Seriously. I try not to be attached to results, but it's hard when you've put bits of your heart and soul into something. So THANK YOU. Yesterday turned out to be surprisingly emotional, and moving. I will keep everyone posted about the bags, and I'll leave a link up top for people to still sign up for the mailing list. We had to create a rule in Outlook that automatically filtered those emails into a separate folder. It was amazing. THANK YOU again!
Today I'm getting ready to leave for two weeks (on Thursday). My stomach is flipping for many reasons. But mainly because I have a BAZILLION things to do before I go. And my lymph node is aching. How weird is it that I even know what a lymph node is, and where it's located. But I do because mine is wrapped up in a scar from a surgery I had a couple months ago. I'm not sure this is normal, and the last thing I need is to have a lymph node emergency in another country. So I'm forcing myself to go sit in the waiting room. Feel free to text or email me at my phone as I'm sure I'll be bored. Compounded with anxiety about everything that's not getting done.
Better go, but posts are better with pictures. So here's a random one of Mimi from a while ago. I love how she's working so hard at that cupcake.
And it dawned on me that I never blogged about Austin, so I'll do that tomorrow before I leave (again). Have a fab day! xo