quality time

"The basic human instinct is to pray. Stifle prayer, your passionate longing for communication with the Ultimate, and your existence within, your personality, shrinks and your demeanor turns into a stuffy semblance of something human. This remote resemblance to humanness issues in mannequin men and women." This is the first paragraph of the book my mom gave me for my birthday. Good, right?
This photo is of Mimi yesterday morning, before school. After this long summer of drought, I'm not sure she recognized the liquid substance that was falling out of the sky. Will post a few from Austin tomorrow. Today I'm spending quality time with my to-do list.
happy thursday :)
Reader Comments (5)
The one book to the other has been the perfect segue. I perceive not only a divine intention
in all this, but the smug smile of heaven upon us, so glad that her kids are 'getting it'.
I love Meemz' picture. 'Selah.' Pause. Reflect.
I'm communing with rain outside of windows myself these days. Well, these past two days. I'm on my vacay on another side of the Cape, and it's raining. Fogging. Winding. But - that's good.
I love the quote, too.