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I should really learn to blog in order. This session is from a bazillion years ago.

Remember my pretty friend Shannon? She is also an attorney who uses her powers for good.  :)

This is her sweet family. We had a great time shooting around the studio. 

Happy weekend! xo


in the midst.

I've been trying not to talk about or mention, or even remotely infer that I am overwhelmed. Mostly because I think I say it too much, especially at this time of year. And I'm sick of hearing myself. Plus, I know that all my lovely helpful friends will tell me the things that I already know. Like, "Delegate" and "learn to say no". It's funny how many people tell you to say "no", until it's them you are saying "no" to. :) 

But I digress. What I really wanted to say is that I'm finding that the life I want to live is always much closer than I think. Sometimes it's just as close as the trampoline in the backyard. 

I have more to say on this, but it will have to wait because I'm almost late for a shoot!

Enjoy your day today. Find what's means the most to you, even in the midst of whatever else is masquerading as 'important'.  :) 


Hi peeps! Sorry for the lack of posts. Life is full of projects + launching a new business + regular holiday portrait madness. But today I'm putting it down because I have a very important date with Obe Wan Kanobe, a little mermaid, and a red-headed lady bug.  

*Quick note about photo sessions: 2009 has been booked. That means that even if you are my BFF from the 2nd grade, or my camp counselor that saved me from drowning in junior high (totally made that up but you get the point). There are no more spots left for the year. BUT remember, you can live on the edge and be different than all your friends by sending out New Years or Valentine's cards. And there is still availability in January! (only one more weekend though, so if you need one jump on it!) 

*Note about the camera bags: We are so thrilled with the amazing response! And we are working harder than Santa's elves to get the site up and running very SOON. I'm hoping that it will be within a few weeks. But I can't guarantee that orders will be back in time for Christmas because we changed a few elements on each style which is delaying the process a bit. Know that if you signed up, you WILL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW when they come out. So please don't sign up twice, unless you want duplicates in your inbox. :) We know that you are anxious, and trust me SO ARE WE! 

*Note about the swine flu: We had it. It sucked, but it wasn't worse than the normal flu. Just take your child in at the first sign of a runny nose or fever so you can get the Tamiflu early.

And have fun tonight with your little goblins! Be safe, and save the Almond Joys for me! 


Glam Sessions

The last Glam Session of the year is tomorrow, and I just realized I never posted photos from the last ones. So here ya go! 

Gorgeous Amy. I know this doesn't mean anything if you don't know my sister. But if you do, don't they almost look like twins?! It was a little twilight zone-ish looking at her through the camera. Felt like Kelly was right there. Only not. (boo) 

These next two are my favorites of her set. She has the most stunning eyes, doesn't she? She brought bazillions of awesome accessories. And our mutual friends Tara and Cara were there to hang out. So it was just fun playing dress up and hanging out together. 

Dell has a fun story behind her shoot. Her husband happened to be watching the last time I was on Living in January. So HE was the one to call me and purchase a session for her (I LOVE WHEN BOYS DO THAT). Then on the day of the shoot he even stopped by with roses for her. So sweet.

Kelly just makes me wish I could love the gym. Such good things can happen to a body when you embrace the pain of that place. 

Remember cutie pattootie Kris? She has so many more amazing shots, but I'm not showing them because they were for her anniversary.  :)

My friend Ranita. These were for her hubbie, and also to celebrate her 40th birthday. I can hear some 40 year olds smashing tomatoes into their computer screen right now. I know I want to do it, and I'm 35!

My friend Shannon. She might be one of the people I admire most on this whole planet. Besides just being a really sweet person, she's a partner at Bridgeway, which is a foundation dedicated to finding ways to end genocide. She is exceedingly brave, with an equally rare depth of compassion. I'm continually in awe of her, and of all that she does in this world. 

It's probably fair to say that the red lipstick was slightly (okay mostly) peer-pressured onto her by me and Robyn. And it was probably a slight (okay major) departure for her. But she was a great sport about it. :)

Thank you to each and every single beautiful lady who joined us for these shoots, and for any of the other ones in the past. If my life ever slows down for more than two seconds, I'm tossing around the idea of putting together a girls' night for anyone who has every done a Glam Session. Wouldn't that be fun?!

It is always so much fun getting to know everyone. And this weekend will be extra special because my friend and fellow photographer, KATE MEFFORD, who I haven't seen since WPPI 08 is coming down to rock her own session out! Can't wait to see her! 

It's so hard to believe this will be my last Glam Session for the rest of the 2009. This year is FLYING.



I stopped in Eugene, Oregon on my way home to visit my mom and Bill. At the time it was a curious twist of events that had ended me there. But with the manic pace of my life over the past few months, I realize now that it was something my soul really needed. You know when life gets crazy, there are occasional indulgences: pedicures, spa days, girl's trips. Then there is an other worldly kind of relaxation called Being At Your Mom's House. I'd honestly forgotten what it feels like be TOTALLY TAKEN CARE OF. It was like visiting a planet that I used to live on. One where someone says, "Just sleep until you wake up", and where delicious food miraculously appears before you. Where it's okay to talk or be quiet. To stay in your pajamas. Or read. Or nap. Where the end of the day is celebrated with a nice glass of wine, and lengthy stories about your life and heart. Oh yes. It was much needed.

Like muffin tops. Yep, tops. Because sometimes one needs to edit out the stuff that sucks. And that would includes muffin bottoms.  

My mom has been collecting heart rocks for the last 17 long that she's quite the snob about it if you ask me. Like, she has can't LOOK for heart rocks. They have to find you. Each one of these symbolizes a particular memory that she can tell you all about. And what's so neat is that they're not all as monumental as an anniversary or birthday. Some of them just say "grow" or "freedom". She's really cute like that.

This shot is blurry because I barely grabbed it. It's Bill dancing with himself spontaneously. And I'm posting it because it so perfectly shows the spirit of who they are. My mom and Bill are like Experts At Enjoying Life. It never matters where they are, who they're with, even in the most dire circumstances...they will find SOME way to make it meaningful, and have fun. I wish I was more like that actually.

I bought this candle for my mom when I was in Canada because it was guava-scented. When we were little in Maui, we used to for walks and pick guavas from the sides of the road. The funny thing was that the candle actually smelled more like a lilikoi. But it was okay because I think it's been 17 years since either one of us had smelled one of those either. 

Us. At one of the most beautiful wineries I'd ever been to. 

Dinner. Where much uninterrupted conversation was enjoyed.  :)

Thank you Mom and Bill. Love you. xo