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So we're still waiting for the air conditioner man. I think I'm going to love him as much as I did my anesthesiologist when I was in labor. I mean, this has been cruel and unusual. This morning I couldn't wait to get to the studio, just for the air conditioning. 

And I finally grabbed some pictures of the studio, too. As you can see, the space is small (like maybe 5-600 sq ft). But it suits my needs because I'm only there a couple times per month. And it's primary purpose is to host The Glam Sessions. Speaking of which, we have one more spot open for next Saturday at 1:30. If you want it, email me.

Before and after. The Red Sofa found a home.

I think I still need a cool rug. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. 

Before studio

After: It sure doesn't look like as much work as it felt like.
I'm going to stick to my guns at Christmas this year. And since I'm going to be traveling for much of October, there are only a handful of appointments left for the year (about 10 if I don't count weather days). So if you're interested in scheduling with me in 2009, call or email me SOON!


Hot and Bothered

(miss you kell xox)

This is my pretty sister. I'm posting her picture for no particular reason other than it cheers me up (a little). It's 100 degrees for the 50th day. Our air conditioner is STILL OUT. And I'm working hard on not being irritable as the flesh evaporates off my body. Plus I was up all night. And I know my friend Cara hates it when people use the word "literally". But LITERALLY, it was all night. Thinking I'd get caught up on editing, I had some coffee around seven (I know, what was I thinking.) My head hit the pillow at FIVE FORTY FIVE AM. So the heat + no sleep combo is making me muy cranky-oso.

But I did get almost caught up with editing. So today will be spent getting kids ready for school, soccer, ballet. Tonight we meet teachers, so hopefully I'll be in a better mood by then. 

If you have a few minutes, here are a few interesting places to visit:

My friend Joi sent me this link, I think just to make me cry and it worked. Although it could've been partly related to the blood that is boiling through my arterial walls.

If you guys aren't following The Picture Hope blog, you should be. Jen and Stephanie are so inspiring. And speaking of Shutter Sisters, I'm also there today. 

Off to stick some ice cubes down my shirt.


Around the corner.

It's always easier to talk about things in retrospect, isn't it? We like to summarize events later, after time has had a chance to diminish the intensity of emotion. Not knowing is hard. But as Jen said, "to not know is our truest state". A friend called me last week with the news that someone I knew as a child had suddenly passed away at 40. My memory of her was from a time when life seemed endless. Now she's abruptly gone. There have also been significant events in my own life that have highlighted the brevity of time for me. And it overcomes me with the dichotomy of wanting to do everything-all-at-once-now-now-now. And the sense that nothing-really-matters-that-much-so-let-it-Be. Be. Be. And while it's strange to feel like I need to simultaneously grab on, and let go, I think this is what it means to do what you can, then surrender to the result.

With all these realizations, have also come hard questions like, "what really moves and inspires me?". With regard to my work, the answer is easy: people who have managed to design their lives in a way that incorporates passion, art, activism, and purpose. So I'm setting out to photograph and interview a few fascinating women. They are women who I find amazing not only for what they've done, but for who they are, as complex and multi-faceted. I don't know what will come of it. I don't have the cleaned-up retrospect version of an end result. And I'm also totally okay with that.

To make life sweeter, my amazing, unconditionally supportive husband is completely behind me on this crazy adventure. He's actually the one who's been prompting me to go for it. So I feel gratitude, and also the intoxicating sense that sometimes life is more fun when you can't see around the corner.  

Where I will be in October: 

Winnipeg, Canada (woot! back atchya!)

Eugene, OR

Orange County, CA

San Francisco, CA

Sacramento, CA

My time is really limited in every spot, but there might be room for a photo session or two. If you're interested, please email me at

:)  Peace

p.s. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you might remember this painting. They are dandelions that Jason mistook for sunflowers. It holds special meaning for me as a reminder that we all don't see things the same way. And that it's also completely OKAY. 


wish list

The other day I bought all the books on my wish list. It was impulsive and so worth it. Because every time I look at this stack of happiness, it feels like life is about to get more interesting. So I'm counting down to the next plane ride. And it looks like there will be a few of them in October. There's an idea that's been floating around in my head. I don't know how to articulate it yet, but it involves great people, and photographs. And a bit of mustering the courage to do something that's out of my comfort zone. That in itself comforts me. Because it doesn't matter if you fail when you're being brave. I think the courage is in itself the success. At least that's what I'll be telling myself. :)

Hoping to announce dates and cities very soon. And if I'm in your hood, maybe we could meet up for a sesh or over coffee.  Ciao! 



It's been 100 degrees for weeks, and our air conditioner's out. American Home Shield sent a tech out last week who rigged it to work until it went out again. The next tech immediately saw it was the compressor, and said significant damage had been done since the first lazy ass had to hurry home to his six pack. Grrrr. Now the soonest they can get this specific part is THURSDAY. So it's 90 degrees in the house. Children are living in their underwear. And I'm resisting the urge to lock myself up in the freezer.

Jason on the other hand has turned into an expert in "wind patterns". He woke up at 4:30 this morning to cool everything down with his special recipe of Fan Placement. It's kind of cute, but I also find it annoying that he seems to regard this as an adventure. Especially since he is working from home today in the bedroom, next to the portable air conditioner. Glad someone's cool today.

I can't complain too much though, because I just got back from yet another girls' trip. This has been quite the summer for girl-time. And my husband has been super tolerant of all of it. So I guess he can have the air conditioner for one more day.

Here are a few photos from the weekend. All of which I almost didn't post because I'm starting to think my life here looks one if all I do is whoop it up with my girlfriends. And it's ironic because I found myself crying more than once this weekend about how out of balance my life has been. For longer than I care to admit, my days have consisted of nothing but work. And as we head into another school year, I feel scared that I will yet again be "that" mom who is always misplacing flyers and forgetting about pajama day. I'm feeling slightly desperate about putting together a routine that allows room for ALL the aspects of my life (including white space). The overwhelming part is trying to smash 60+ hours into about 20. And also the fact that I hate routines.

I don't know know what the answer is, so I'll just liven it up with some pix. This was really a stay-cation. We rented a house on the river and experienced our own Texas "backyard". My stomach muscles are still hurting from laughing. And my underarms are still raw from tubing. I couldn't find my waterproof case, so there are no pics of us floating down the Comal river. It was my first time. Fun and I'm glad I did it. But after 3 hours of moving at a snail's pace, I was more than ready to get out.

From left to right:

Pam: is kind of quiet at first, but has a crazy streak that surprises you sometimes. My favorite thing about her is that she lives and lets live. She doesn't try to control people or situations, and just goes with the flow.


Tina: will always have one more glass with you. Her friends are really diverse because she accepts people for who they are. She's also always been there for me when I really needed someone. Like when she watched my children when I went into labor. And when she pulled my daughter out of the bottom of her pool. Twice I never saw her go under. My stomach still flips when I think about it.

Courtney: is the one Nordstrom calls when they get new shipments. She's also so pretty that she gets away with making dirty jokes look cutesy. And I love her because she screams as loud as I do when the DJ plays "Big Butts" or any other old school rap song.

Kristen: is a dancer, and has the body of a 20 year old. I spent the whole weekend looking at her legs, in complete awe and amazement. 

Michelle: is someone I admire for her ability to be balanced, and know her boundaries. She doesn't let little stuff bug her. She laughs heartily and easily. And she rocks a Depends diaper like nobody's business.  :)

Judy: is a physical therapist. She has the best stories, and a no-nonsense approach to life that makes big problems seem smaller.  

Suzanne: teaches Tai Chi. She's a voracious reader, and one of the people who made me cry this weekend when she read out of her book Zen For Martial Arts. I know that sounds random, but it was exactly what I needed at that minute.

Love them.

This was at Gruene Hall, the oldest dance hall in Texas. YIT YIT!

The western version of Shorty Get Low Low Low.

 So we also went to this place called "The Watering Hole" (because it's cool to be cattle?). This is where Tina found a boyfriend. Apparently you're never too old to feel up a stranger's armpit. Geesh, that looks like it left a mark.

So one Christmas we had a party and played the White Elephant game. It was so much fun, that now we find excuses to play throughout the year. This time was the best because we found the Capital of White Elephant gifts right down the street at Helen's Treasures. I'd gone in originally to find river shoes. She asked me if I wanted them "new or 'seconds'". I said "new, size 9". She handed me a pair of bananas. When I asked her if they were mens or womens, she said "It doesn't matter." Nice.  :)

I told you, White Elephant Heaven. Not the least of which was an OPENED bag of Depends. Because apparently incontinence comes and goes. And why would you waste all those good diapers? Give them to Helen! Or Michelle, who ended up "winning" them...along with a pair of wooden clogs. Best shot of the weekend.

And now back to work. Later homeys.