




































cute camera bags...FINALLY!




BIG NEWS! As many of you already know, I've been working (for almost two years now) on a line of camera bags for women. The idea first came to me when I found myself constantly wrapping up my $2000 camera (not to mention the $1700 lens) in a hand towel, and throwing it into my purse. Because who wants to carry an ugly old camera bag IN ADDITION to your regular one?! I started talking to other photographer friends. And they all had their own stories about what they used to wrap up their cameras: sweatshirts, pot holders, wash cloths, bubble wrap. I realized there was definitely a need in the market place for a camera bag that was as FASHIONABLE as it was FUNCTIONAL. So I embarked on the VERY LONG, SOMETIMES FRUSTRATING, BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT journey of MANUFACTURING my own camera bags.

Pictured here are the three styles. On the interior, they all have velcro-removable panels so that you can arrange each compartment to fit your specific bodies and lenses. It can be a straight-up camera bag. OR, it can be a purse with a compartment for a camera. This makes it perfect for PROFESSIONALS and/or SCRAPBOOKERS. Not to mention just GIRLS WITH NICE CAMERAS. It's really that flexible!

So we're aiming to have the website done in about a month, which is when I'll post details and measurements and all that jazz. But for now, if you'd like to be on the FIRST TO KNOW list






:) XO


9 in 2009

Not including Glam Sessions, for which there is still availability for October 24th. 

Happy weekend friends!  xo


Millie Hunt

If you're in San Antonio you might already know that DD has a new roommate at Chic Mama. Katy's sister Jessica moved in, with her cute line of clothing/accessories/gifts. It's called Millie Hunt, named after her grandmother (how cute, right?). If you're in town, you should definitely pop in. It's like a one stop shop for everything belly/baby/mommy over there. 

These were taken the other day because she needed a headshot for a magazine article. This is my favorite, partly because she's so dang cute, and also because she's on The Couch I've been coveting for months at Urban Outfitters. 

So last night we slept in 20 minute intervals while Miss Mimi was throwing up. Poor baby. There's nothing I hate more than being nauseated... to the point that I'm kind of phobic about it. So it's doubly hard to watch her little body be wrenched around like that. Today will be spent washing sheets and praying that no one else gets it. 

On that lovely note, have a great Thursday! :) 


The Brenners 2.0

I was lucky enough to meet Debbie and Helmut + their three sweet kids last year. They're from Dallas, but have lived in Holland for the past few years. Occasionally, I sit down to drool with jealousy catch up on all their adventures of living in, and exploring Europe

This time Debbie wanted a more urban shoot, and suggested we go down to Mi Tierra. It's apparently a landmark for San Antonio, but since I mostly live with my head buried in the sand I never knew about it. Of course, now it's my new favorite place to shoot. Gotta love a family (who doesn't even live here) who introduces you to your own city. Gotta also love a family WHO CHOOSES THIS ONE FOR THEIR BIG CANVAS. YEP, they rock.

In goodwill. They totally put the wings on, un-prompted. Love them!

Love the kids' expressions in this one. 

 Thanks Deb and Helmut! :)


this and that.

What a weekend. Two fun shoots, then a birthday party for Erin who turned thirty something. Not that it matters what you're turning, when you still look 20. We went to a new restaurant called Barbaresco's. The food was good, but their Grand Opening party is worth a link if you want to see chocolate-covered women being used as centerpieces. You know, when you see stuff like that, doesn't your mind just go to logistics and clean-up? Just sayin'.

So Sunday, we took a spontaneous trip to ZDT in Seguin. Since most people were flooding the malls for tax free weekend, we had the whole place to ourselves. Which is the only way to do it when it's the 55th day in the row of 100+ degrees. I've never been so grateful for an air conditioner, which by the way is fixed. And no thanks to SUCK ASS "Will-Fix-It". They misdiagnosed the problem TWICE. So while we baked our organs for a week waiting for the new compressor, it was actually something that could be fixed in 30 minutes. I'm still slightly homicidal over it. And also resisting urges to turn the air down to 50 just so I can put on a sweater. Winter, come already!

Monday was the first day of school, and I had high hopes of documenting the whole process. Turns out it was all I could do to grab this snapshot. I don't care if it was a prompted photo-kiss, I still adore it. My babies are getting so big.

And my grass is getting so brown. RAIN PLEASE COME TO SAN ANTONIO!  

Well, I was going to post a bunch of photos from a real session, but now I feel like it would make this too long. So I'll set it for the morning. One of my favorite clients came all the way back from Holland, so stay tuned for that tomorrow. 

later homeys.