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I just poured a nice glass of wine and am looking forward to settling in with the (fantastic) book I picked up in the airport. Not much time to write, but I wanted to leave you with something to enjoy over the weekend. 

Tara Whitney used to be one of my favorite blogs. Now she's one of my favorite people.

I simply adore her.

I adore her family.

And I'm in awe of the remarkably genuine way she and Jeff connect with their children. 

The Whitneys from maile wilson on Vimeo

Also, Tara chose the music, great right? It made me think I really need to start branching out again (iTunes-wise). 


Business In The Front is seeking help.

I had the best time in California visiting with Tara and Tracey. Will post more photos of that soon (pinky swear). I squeezed so much into the short visit, even watched the sunrise before my plane left in the morning. So by the time I got home I was exhausted. In fact, last night I was sure I'd be in bed well before the sun set.

Then I turned into a Mullet. While Business In The Front wanted nothing more than to take a bath, and sink into her bed for eighteen days, Party In The Back had a need to compulsively catch up on Teen Mom. Party In The Back had to see Farrah's psycho mother sporting her community service vest. Not to mention that what's her name was moving all the way to Nashville to be with the boy who has to be edited with sub-titles even though he's speaking in English. The never-had-a-girlfriend-before boy whose response to her question "Will you be there to help me with mah' baby?" was "How hawrd can it be?" 

And If you want to know how hard it can be, just ask the girls on The Bachelor Pad who retreated to their own respective closets to weep hysterically after The Truth Game. I can't remember their names either, but I'm pretty sure the guys are named Kyptyn, and the girls are Nikki. The contestants (I mean lovers) were asked to answer anonymous questions about each other. You know, like you do normally at a party when you want to emotionally bruise your guests for life. Nikki B. was reduced to tears when she found out that Kyptyn M. thought she would never get married. "You're just a party girl, what can I say?" were his words as she collapsed to the bathroom floor. But it was nothing compared to the dagger that pierced Nikki R.'s cilicone when she found out Kyptyn D. thought she had the WORST BOOB JOB IN THE HOUSE! I mean, by now there was no way Party In The Back was going to bed.

And it was all fine until it got sinister, when Party In The Back found Wardrobe 911. Have you been there? Don't go. I'm warning you, poor Business In The Front spent the entire night tied up in the basement (until FOUR-FORTY-FIVE AM PEOPLE), as Party In The Back became obsessed by the sudden need to find out What To Wear. And not just what to wear... what to wear to a dinner party, what to wear to work, what to wear to the beach, what to wear on a cruise, what to wear to a charity ball. Party In The Back has never been to, nor does she ever want to attend a golf tournament. But last night her life depended on knowing what to wear to one. And to a baby shower, to a doctor's appointment, to a high school reunion, to check the mail, to bake a cake, to drive a minivan, to brush your teeth, and most importantly what to wear when you are tying up your sensible alter ego who is moaning in pain from sleep deprivation.

The sad thing is that this morning, of course, Party In The Back could care less. She's still passed out on the floor naked (I guess all those wardrobe choices were just too much), while Business In Front is slamming back caffeine like nobody's business. Poor co-dependent Business In The Front. 

Also, believe it or not this was going to be a three sentence post. Before I got off on a tangent, I really logged in just to say, hey check it out, the amazing Davina Fear featured me in an interview on her blog to day for her Women and Business series! (Thank you Davina!) When she asked me to answer the questions and send in some photos, I stumbled on this one that I took last year for Eva and Tony Parker. This was the one they used for their Christmas card. She said I could display it. But I never did, because I hate my portrait site and was waiting until it gets re-done. And well, if I'm honest, that might not happen any time this year.

So, I thought I'd post it today. I love this photo, although I really can't take any credit for it. They are pretty much the easiest people in the world to photograph. 


Have a good day everyone! I'll be back with OC pics soon. 


Good Monday! 

Today is Epiphanie's birthday! In order to celebrate, we're offering a (one-and-only time for 2010) discount code, and WE'RE GIVING AWAY ANOTHER CANON 5D! Details are here, come play!

I'm off for a lightning quick trip to Orange county. Will be posting here if you want to come along. :)

Taken yesterday with the iPhone and ShakeIt app, after I took the girls for their first pedicure. I used to judge moms that did this kind of stuff with their "too-young" kids. But they had SO MUCH fun, and please. How adorable are these toes? 

Have a great start to your week everyone!


That Day

Taken with the iPhone and my favorite ShakeIt app

This year I have a fourth grader, second grader, and kindergartener. Over the years I can't count how many times I chanted "how nice it will be when they're all in school". "How easy my day be when there's only one pick up location", "can't wait until That Day gets here". 

Well, Monday was "That Day". It came obscured behind the ordinariness of alarm clocks and lunches, scrambling to find shoes and hair ties. It was all usually perfunctory until they rushed out the door and my chest tightened. It was something about all three of them together, a little team. Each one carries their own opinions, and nerves, and unique way of absorbing and interacting with the world. Suddenly it was confirmed that I don't have a baby anymore. I am no longer a mother with a baby and never will be again.

I wasn't wishing to go back. But I was fully absorbed by how fast it all came and went. The long nights, the play group politics, the frustrations of breast feeding, the trials of potty training. The moments that seemed eternal have vanished. And I was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. For how far we've come together on this journey, I was especially grateful for the piercing clarity that the following years will fly by just as fast. And I can only hope that I'll be fully awake and aware enough to be present for every bit of them.

Speaking of time flying, my teeny tiny little baby newborn boy somehow turned TEN this week. In an effort to stop procrastinating special moments, I added onto my life list #94. "Create New Traditions". Simple as it may be, this was my first attempt. We filled his bedroom with balloons the night before. Because what better way to start your birthday than a room full of happiness, just because you were born. 

Tomorrow Jason's taking him to Nasa in Houston with the boy scouts, which means I will have to figure out something fun for the girls to compensate for the fact that they're not going to Nasa with the boy scouts. It also means that I need to cram about a weeks worth of work into 5 hours today. But what's new. 

I leave for California for another quick trip on Monday. Probably won't be blogging, but I've been pretty decent at posting here. As a side note, I LOVE posterous. It's such an easy way to keep the moments of your day, like an effortless journal. 

Some other interesting links. 

I devoured these images of America during the Depression. Something about the color makes them more haunting, yet oddly familiar.

Kal's link to the recent documentaries  might change the way you think, eat, drink, act. I know for sure we are never buying bottled water again either.

Maggie and Epiphanie and Photojojo are giving away quite the swag bag. There are almost 2000 comments, but you never know, so go enter! I was lucky enough to receive one of those Fuji Instax Minis at Laura and Maggie's party and IT IS SO FUN! Can't wait to post some of the images here, or do something cool in the house with them.  

And that's all I can think of right now. Will try to pop in here more. For now I'm off to Zumba. Yep, you heard me. I'm on a kick again. Will let you know how it goes.


My Life List

Posted here. Have you written one yet? It's fun.

For more on life lists, visit Maggie or Karen, and many more.