Do Fun Stuff

Yesterday Emily came home from school "sick". Of course she miraculously healed when she was picked up. And I should have been upset, but she's been having a rough time adjusting to kindergarten. She has the same teacher that Chance had, and I adore her. But it's still hard core compared to pre-school. More kids, longer hours, endless directions. She keeps asking, "Do I have to go back after tomorrow's tomorrow? And the next day's tomorrow?" And as someone who hates (and has mostly succeeded in avoiding) the world of M-F/9-5, I can relate to how she feels. So we took the day to enjoy some time together.
Looks like if you want to take an extra day off school, all you need is imagination. (And a faux belly ache).
Untitled from maile wilson on Vimeo.
The song she was singing is from Do Fun Stuff. I purchased it after reading Rachel's post about Ryan Marshall, whose son was diagnosed with a rare disorder called Smith Magenis Syndrome. All the proceeds go toward a grant fund that he established so that grad students can study and research SMS.
But, I'm the mom who takes out the batteries of noise-making toys the day after Christmas, "Aw, sorry honey, looks like that trombone is broken." God help you if you give them a non-battery-operated drum set. And when they ask for that Kid's Bop album "because look Mom it's only $9.99!", I tell them I would get it, but I can't because kid's music makes mommy's ears bleed.
So honestly, I had no intention of ever listening to the album. Until yesterday when we were making (okay lie, heating up the previous night's) spaghetti. I turned on iTunes to listen to my new favorite Jillian Edwards (thank you Tara and Melissa). It was set to random and this song accidentally came on.
Which is "really inappropriate".
I would say that I love this song only because I'm partially a ten year old boy. Except that my actual ten year old son told me it made him never want to pee again. Of course that made me turn it up louder and march around the kitchen singing "Everybody does it can't you see!". Even Jason (who tries to keep my potty humor in check) said, "Oh, I can think of so many people I need to gift that song to." See? You don't even need kids to buy this.
My ears haven't bled once, because the album is really well done. My favorite song is Ladybug, which I've listened to even when the kids aren't around. And I'm obviously not the only one who thinks so because since Ryan's original post, the album sky-rocketed to the #2 most downloaded children's album on iTunes. Amazing.
I love it when people think of, and follow through with, creative ways to make changes... especially when those ways are slightly inappropriate.
Have a fun weekend everyone!
Oh wait, one more thing since we're talking about music. Did you guys see this? Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake's History Of Rap? It rocks too. K. Bye.