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Cute note on the fridge :)

So we took some photos while I was there, and thought it would be fun to really do it up. She put together her amazing style-posse which consisted of the most adorable and talented Kim and Alex. And then we set out to shoot some pictures in the desert.

Oh, but did I mention that it was 106 degrees? At first I was all smug about it because I live in Texas and I eat heat for breakfast. But Arizona let me know who was boss. In fact Arizona is a BEAST. If it weren't for margaritas, I'm pretty sure their entire population would become an army of hot, bothered, maniacally sunburned lunatics throwing themselves onto mounds of cacti just to put themselves out of their scalding misery.

Yep. Thank God for margaritas is all I can say.

So here is Kim doing Promise's hair. I don't think she has a website. But if you're in the Phoenix area, email me and I'll locate her info to send. Because you should have seen all those elaborate knots and ties and braids and fanciness. She is The Hair Whisperer. 

This is cute Alex the stylist. I had been anticipating meeting her ever since the night (a couple weeks ago) that I stayed up till 2am reading her blog. So much inspiration. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and it was so cool to see the unexpected combinations she pulled together. If you need help with a photo shoot, or just need someone to help you step away from the mom jeans, send her a note. She is also a ball of positive energy, super easy to work with, and can even work remotely (score)! 

The other person who I was really excited to finally meet was Melissa. I don't remember how I originally found her blog. But I've been following her (that sounds like she might need a restraining order) for years. She is super talented, and has a great way of keeping her life balanced and organized. I'm always envious of that, because it's definitely not my strong point. Also, I was extra happy she was there because she showed me how to use the video function on my camera. Yep. That's how I roll... always learning just enough to get by at the last minute. It's a wonder I make it through the day sometimes. 

Thanks Melissa! :)

Pretty puddles.


My favorite. 

Thanks for everything girls, it was a blast!  xo


Summer Recap: Part 2

Two posts in two days. Maybe my mojo is back. Or maybe I have a pressing need after the man-ssage to lighten it up with flowers. Pretty pretty happy happy flowers.

When it's blooming in Texas, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. For the obvious beauty, yes. But mostly for the fact that I'm able to see it. When we moved here, I was a snob about my surroundings. Having lived only in Hawaii and Northern California, I felt like I'd been dumped into the middle of a wasteland. It was a hard time for me. I was having as difficult a time blooming as the flowers were in my yard. We'd be so excited at the garden store, bring them home like little potted puppies: pet them, water them, tell them bedtime stories. Still they'd die. I'd become bitter when we'd go back to California and there would be a cluster of sunflowers beaming behind a dumpster at a gas station. The kind of beauty in those areas is so abundant, it's almost obscene. Like a table piled with more food than anyone could eat in a lifetime. I felt like I'd been wasteful all those years that I went around taking dumpster sunflowers for granted.

But my grandma used to have a saying, "First you abhor, then you endure, then you embrace." I suppose it could be taken in a number of positive or negative ways. For me, it describes my relationship with Texas. As the years went on, I experienced thunder storms that took my breath away, rain so warm that you could still have your afternoon walk, and days so hot they made for perfect late night visits on the porch with neighbors. My life began to take shape, and suddenly I saw beauty everywhere. I remember saying to Jason once in the car, "Why did I think this was so ugly before?" As it goes, nothing had changed but my perspective. And that's why I love Texas the most. It taught me that beauty is always there, even though it might not always be obvious.

These were taken on a little trip to sweet Gruene.

Nice squinty shot as their professional photographer mom pointed their retinas straight into the sun.

In case you're wondering if you will ever see photos other than my children on this blog again, the answer is yes. I actually have a ton of sessions to post. And if you're wondering if I'm still shooting, the answer is also yes. I just don't have any openings until mid October. Which is perfect timing for Christmas. So if you need to get in, please call me soon. If you wait until the holidays to call, there won't be anything left.

Okay, I'm off to prepare for a shoot in a ghost town in the middle of a desert with some fantasticly talented people. So excited!!

And who knows, maybe I'm back on a roll with this blogging thing so you might see pix soon. :)




Okay, for the record, this shot was totally in focus until I uploaded it here. And this has only been a problem since I purchased a mac. If any of you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. A while ago someone told me that once I go mac I will never go back. So far, I'm calling BS on that. This damn mac has caused me more problems in the last two months than my Dell did in seven years. No, my suit-ladened-tie-sporting Dell was not sexy. But at least I could find my pictures. 

So, I'm taking an intermission on the Summer Recap because it annoys me to blog stuff that's so far in the past. Plus, I've always wanted to blog a trip in real time. So. Here it is. Here I Am. In Phoenix. In all my greasy haired glory. I arrived this afternoon and decided that I would take an hour break from my work-a-holic ways.

So I walk into the "spa" for a massage. Only to find out that "spa" meant "one old man, sporting an oil belt in a dimly lit room"

Me: "So, Jamie is a girl right?"

The receptionist: "No, Jamie is a man."

Me: "Oh. Um. Shoot. I usually request a woman. I've never had a man... I'm just not sure I could relax as much."

The receptionist: "Jamie is happily married with kids". 

Oh, phew. So he's not going to try to elope with, or impregnate me.

Receptionist: increasingly irritated, "...he's like my brother"

Me: increasingly pressured, " ...Oh. Well then I'm sure it's okay.

*Sidenote: I totally get that I'm the freak in this scenario, and that I should be perfectly fine with a man-ssage.

And that's what I'm telling myself when he knocks on the door. Introduces himself with an overcompensatingly firm handshake. I realize he's old enough to be my dad. And now this is getting even weirder. So I close my eyes, pretend I'm somewhere else. And then I think how ironic that is. Because usually when I'm pretending to be somewhere else, I'm getting a massage. But this time I'm pretending that I'm floating high above the earth. Fully clothed. Wearing spanx. And a metal exoskeleton.

Then a few minutes passed. I managed to get over my neuroses. And at the end it felt a little like how one might feel after public speaking or cliff-diving. Happy you were brave enough to get through it, but glad it was over. And yes. That is called The Extreme Spa Experience. Go big or go home people. 

Okay, so enough of my spa-ga. In case you're wondering why I'm really here, I'm working on a project with Promise, who is one of the most incredibly talented people I know. For real. If you've been to her site, you know this too. And if you haven't, go now. And grab a glass of wine because you'll be there a while. And as a huge bonus I also get to meet the amazing Melissa Jill. I've been stalking her blog for years! We've been trying to meet forever. And it finally worked out! I'm super excited, and will keep you posted with photos as soon as I can. That is, if my Diva Mac is in a good mood.

peace. xo


Summer Recap: Part 1

Little neglected blog, I've missed you! It hit me this morning that next week marks the first of many trips that are coming up this summer. And regardless of my recent bad blogging habits, I have high hopes for posting as I go. But in order to do that, I feel like I need to catch up (at least by hitting a few high points) with what's been going on over the past few weeks (months?).

For one thing Grammy came to visit. And oh, how we love her so much!

We went to the Bombay Bicycle Club, where they have the best burgers, quirky atmosphere, and cozy little outdoor space.

We ordered more cherries for her. But I have to admit, something about that just felt wrong. It's like gorging yourself on breath mints.

The zoo is two seconds up from Bombay. And let me preface this by saying that I Hate The Zoo. I hate the smells, the dirt, the heat, the slow walkers and people standing in the EXACT CENTER of the walkway, I hate the long lines to purchase $96 stuffed animals, the 101 questions about why the monkey's butt looks like that, the 102 questions about what that goat is doing on top of the other one. I hate how there is no tram or shuttle, or bar. And I basically hate that it's not the Discovery Channel. Because if I'm going to learn about nature, I want it to be from the comfort of my own home.

That being said, we had the BEST day. I think partly because it had just rained, and the animals were in the mood to say hello.

... or to eat your face off. 

This one was posted over at Shutter Sisters a few weeks ago.

Two and two.

The main reason why this was my all time favorite trip to the zoo was because I saw something come alive in my daughter that I'd never seen before.

When I say that Annie is my serious child, I don't mean that she's somber or no fun. She's just not as goofy as the rest of us. She's rarely outside of herself, and takes a contemplative approach to things. She's not one to be overcome with excitement. And I love that she's free to interact with the world in her own way.

I'd always known how much she loves animals. All kids do. But she's the child at our family reunion who, instead of playing with the other kids, sat for hours with the puppy who was leashed to the tree. She loves everything: snakes, roly-poly bugs, bunnies, lizards, frogs, you name it.  But that day at the zoo, she was so happy, it was mesmerizing.

And it was the first time as a parent that I realized how gratifying it is to see your child become LIT UP by something that resonates within HER. Something that has nothing to do with me. As the non-animal adoring, zoo-hating person I've always been, this was ALL HER. And it was so beautiful.

Whatever they end up doing in life, my greatest wish is that it will make them feel like this.

On that note, I was listening to Ted while editing the photos for this post. Somewhat serendipitously (now that we're talking about kids finding their passions) I stumbled on this video by Cameron Herold about Raising your Children to Be Entrepreneurs. It really made me think about some of the ways you can train your kids to think differently. I highly recommend watching it.

And before signing off, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July! But don't forget about all the servicemen and women who have sacrificed, and are sacrificing every day in order for us to enjoy the freedoms that go along with that extra day off. :)

See you again soon! xo


a painting named desire

I was brushing my teeth when he said, "You're never going to believe what I got for you." I knew it was against his better judgment that he was telling me, but he was about to burst.

My mouth full of toothpaste, "...huh?"

Him grinning, "Yep."

Drooling. " got me something? ...why??"

"Because I'm amazing."

And then it began. The part he hates. The Inescapable Questions. He knows they're coming, but the secrets eat him up so much he can't help himself.

Me, smiling. "What is it?"

"I'm not saying, so don't even ask."

"Is it something I can hold? Is it someplace we can go? Would it fit into a kleenex box? Is it something for the house? Will I need a bathing suit? A sweater? It's not a joke right? Because that would be really mean."

"Nope, and you're really going to love it."

"When does it get here? Is it a vegetable or mineral? Does it require a babysitter? Was it over $100?... $1000?"

"Stop ruining every gift I get for you by asking how much it costs."


"I'm serious."

"Fine. ...Will it help me check something off my life list?"

"I'm not sure, but you will love it."

Well, unbeknownst to him, it actually DID allow me to check something off my life list.

A week went by and I had actually forgotten about it when Emily burst into my office door. "MOMMY CLOSE YOUR EYES DADDY GOT YOU A PRESENT AND YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES HURRY CLOSE THEM!!"

When I opened, THIS AMAZING BEAUTY was staring back at me. In a million years I would have never guessed that his surprise would have been so well thought out and personal. Because (before you go thinking that we're some kind of dream couple that writes love notes to each other on the mirror) this is just out of character. Nothing against Jason. We're both pretty dreadful at birthdays and special occassions. We know it, we hate it. And that's why he said, "I want this to be the start of changing that." 

And that ordinary day became a very special occasion. Because in addition to him being so thoughtful, I HAVE WANTED THIS PAINTING FOR YEARS.

By now you guys must know that Kal is my favorite artist. I love how you can see the graphic design in her fine art pieces. And I LOVE how she combines words with everything. And when you meet her, it's almost the same dichotomy. She is a total straight shooter, super strong lady who does things her own way. But underneath, there is a deep well full of intuitive insight. Basically, I just love her, and her work. And what Jason didn't know is that it WAS on my life list (which I'll write more about later) to own one of her original paintings. 

Umm, sidenote. How fascinating is that? The fact that I had written it down and a few weeks later there it was hanging up in my office. Once again, there is SO MUCH power in putting stuff out there.

About the painting itself. It comes from one of her collections called "It's All About The Shoes". Each painting is from an actual pair of shoes from real women who had a story to tell about when they were wearing them, or what the shoes meant to them. This pair says "She was moved by desire." And (I found out after it was on my wall) that they were ordered by someone in Canada who wanted them so much she had them shipped to two different friends in Colorado and New York who ultimately traveled to Winnipeg to deliver them to her. Where they came from originally? THAT WOULD BE TEXAS. Um, I think this painting was meant to be mine. :) Thank you Kal for letting her go. She has found a very loving home here! 

And thank you Jason for making such a thoughtful effort to bring us out of our all-work-and-no-play ways!

Love you both! xo