
Thursday already. The weeks go too fast. I'm slightly frustrated today by the number of projects going on. I bought a new website that's waiting for attention. My look needs a makeover because I'm over the cupcake. For as much as I love them, I'm tired of it in the logo. And as a side note, I will send a happy surprise to ANYONE who can recommend a GOOD CUPCAKE STORE IN THIS TOWN THAT DELIVERS. And doesn't do janky frosting. And who doesn't charge $100. I thought I'd found one. But they haven't been reliable for deliveries. Even if you know a place online where I can have them shipped??? PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I have been literally searching for years.
And speaking of more "treats" that have become a pain in my ass. The ice cream truck...in all of it's Beaver-Cleaver glory. How fun it was the FIRST time it rolled down our street. And the second. Maybe even the third. UNTIL we became part of it's PERMANENT ROUTE. Now EVERY NIGHT around 7:00, here it comes. Singing that eerie, flat, carousel music. The same one that plays right before the dolls slaughter the town. It's also the one that takes my children from a perfectly normal state of BRUSHING THEIR TEETH, to SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS FOR ICE CREAM ICE CREAM ICE CREAM! Then they hurl themselves at the door, maniacly demanding money. Like sugar-junkie-muggers, "QUICK! QUICK! HE'S GOING TO LEAVE HE'S GOING TO LEAVE HURRY HURRY HURRY QUICK!!! Until I dash all their hopes by telling them that Ice Cream is from the devil. And that I'm pretty sure the driver was on last week's Dateline: To Catch A Predator. (kidding) Yet I'm totally serious. I hate the ice cream truck. As if bed time is not hard enough. Oh, and adding insult to injury...a popsicle is now $73. If you want chocolate, you better bring your letter from the bank to prove financing.
Alright, I've bashed on sweets enough for one day. This one's for my mom. She sent Annie the cutest baking set for her birthday a few weeks ago. I think she's trying to indoctrinate at least one person in our family to learn how to cook. Thank you Nana! We miss you!

Reader Comments (17)
Then there's handsome Chance in his bare-feet. So Maui-esk!
And Annie... I rarely am please with the stuff I choose,
or cash I send at birthdays. This one, however... bullseye!
I love your life!
Here's one more!
I know you know how to google and probably already have, but I was a bored!
As yummy as the junk the truck is, it just has that oompa-loompa vibe!
I was the same as you....it was so exciting at first and I love to see the kids get so excited. (You know, growing up on Interstate Marlow Road, the ice-cream truck didn't make the rounds too often.) And then she kept coming and it wasn't so "exciting" anymore. To make matters worse, since we "lived" on a hill in WA, we would hear her for like an hour before she made it to our house. I do have to say the poor lady was probably broke, with that much warning ALL the moms on the block would lock the kids up before she reached us.
OH AND I have always been a fan of the cupcake and can I say holy batman poop, there are some AWESOME cupcakes on that blog!!!
I love the ice-cream story, you are way too funny
I just found your gorgeous blog so I had to stop in and say hello! Come say hi on Petit Elefant sometime.
Be well,
Love you
Your pictures Rock, thanks for sharing them!