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Hi Monday

Just a little update about my on-going cupcake drama. THANK YOU to everyone who sent recommendations! You guys rock. Turns out that it might still work with the same local place I found a few weeks ago. I'm crossing my fingers, and giving it another go. Because I really do like to keep business local when it's possible. It's nice to know there are also so many options out there though. And thanks again!

We spent the whole weekend with the Fabulous Flaningans. It was so much fun, as usual! I'll try to post more later. For now I need to get my booty up and outta here. There are zillions of errands, and phone calls, and well, you know how Mondays can be. Where is the coffee??!!

Reader Comments (3)

i just found your blog while doing research on squaresoft...oh man, your images are AWESOME! thanks for being inspiring!
May 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterstevep
Hope you have a great week, Maile! Thanks for linking your friend's blog.....she's flippin' hilarious and nearly made me snort coffee out of my nose giggling w/her Duggar name suggestions!! Too funny.
May 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJana
Just saw Caden Lane mentioned on the Today show. I was like "Hey I know them!". Then internet is a funny thing. : )
May 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaige

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