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Phone call to DD this morning.

Me: "I'm an ass."

DD: "What happened?!"

Me: "I forgot about the Heart Gallery shoot."

DD: "I just saw you yesterday. You were talking about your week, and you mentioned it. How did you forget in one day?!"

Me: "I think I need ADD medication. Maybe Ridlin."

DD: "So how'd it go?"

Me: "Well, they called this morning at 10 wondering where I was. I flew down there. I was wearing the same dress I had on yesterday and a little mascara. I had just dropped the kids off, and I'm not sure if my hair was brushed."

DD: "Oh God, you wore a DRESS to shoot in?"

Me: "Yep. There I was kneeling down on the grass. And that's not the worst part."

DD: "What?"

Me: "There was also a camera crew. They told me about it weeks ago, but I forgot."

DD: "Oh God."

Me: "Yep, they were from France. Like the French 60 minutes. They're doing a segment on adoption. I tried to pack up and get out of there before they talked to me. But the lady blocked the door and said 'we need you for two minutes'".

DD: "Were you all sweaty too?"

Me: "Of course. So there I was: photographer in a dress, with wet, come-over bangs pasted to my forehead."

DD: "What did you say?"

Me: "The usual. Omigod like totally I think it's totally awesome like omigod."

DD: "Oh my god."

Both of us burst into laughter.

DD: "Well, at least it's for a good cause. Hey, don't feel bad, I'm still getting ready for work. And you've already made an ass out of yourself on French television."

This pretty much sums up my week. There is so much to post, and I have to get back to work. But before I go, I really wanted to say THANKS to Melissa who wrote the sweetest stuff on her blog last week. The feelings are totally mutual sister! You rock.

And I will be back with more regularity. Sounds like a commercial for Ex Lax. 

And on that note, see ya soon!  :) 


Reader Comments (9)

Maile- I am so glad to hear that you are involved with this organization. What a beautiful thing you are doing.
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
See--a great example of the hilarity I was talking about :). So sorry you had a rough morning. But thanks for letting us laugh at you :).
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Jill :)
Maile, I JUST spoke with the someone last week about the Heart Gallery in my area and got my packet of info today! I'm pretty excited about it. Funny that you mentioned it today. That is a hilarious story! Isn't that always how it works though? It isn't enough to have a bad morning. There has to be a camera crew there to film it!
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaige
LOL! I can empathize - over the weekend I experienced my first wedding SNAFU. I got caught behind an accident en route from the bride's house to the church, arrived only 30 minutes before the ceremony - and reached into my backseat to get my tripod which is kept in a navy blue oblong bag with a carrying strap. Except when I get in inside - SURPRISE it's not my tripod - it's a navy blue fold up lawn chair! *tries not to panic* had to send someone halfway back to my house to pick up the tripod in the almost identical navy blue bag with carrying strap that I had left by the front door when I picked up the wrong one and left with it.

The tripod arrived 10 minutes before the ceremony, but my plan B was to just plunk the lawn chair in the center of the aisle and use it instead if worse came to worse. Thank goodness this wedding was only 12 miles from home...

Hope your week smooths out!
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda
OMG... it's gonna be a long week!
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDD
That story would have been funny enough as it was... but the whole French thing sent my imagination reeling into entirely new frontiers of hilarity!

Your pain is our Xanax.
May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMa'
This is so funny. I think you are me-in fact, I have the conversation with my sister about thinking I have ADD almost every day.

I'm also in SA, hoping we can meet someday. Love your blog!
May 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeah Godfredson
hahahah!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this dialect.
May 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel Brooke
I MISS YOU!! You have to post something.... I'm going through withdrawals!
May 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterk

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