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I figured it out! It had something to do with my clicker. When I right clicked on "use standard selection" it worked. WOOT. Here are the rest of the photos from the shoot below.

Most of the time people walk me over to trees and flowers, but like most photographers, I usually find it more interesting to veer off into the ruin. This was Mike's first car. We had to kinda beg him to pose here in front of it, but I love how it turned out with the Texas plate in the background.

Three generations of gorgeousness.

 see ya tomorrow... ? ...  :)


The Jones Family

Yay, pictures are working again! How is everyone's holiday season going? I have to say that this year, I'm not even close to the edge of a cliff, let alone contemplating the jump. Deadlines and clear cut-off dates have been my sanity (who knew?!). Plus I've been sneaking fun into work. Or maybe the work has been mostly fun. All I know is that Saturday I got up early and drove to Houston for a family/hot mama shoot. It was just me and my coffee, and Soundgarden, literally driving into the sunrise. It made me realize how NICE it is to be ALONE sometimes. And how much nicer it was that everyone (Jason) still thought I was working my fingers to the bone.  :)

Sunday, I went to my sweet friend (and hot mama-makeup-guru-extraordinnaire) Robyn's house. She was having mimosa's and opening her house up for a few friends who make/sell crafts, decorations etc.. Found the cutest little wine charms, that I might not end up giving away. And the rest of my time has been spent kicking orders out like a crazy photo ninja. HIYA!!!

Oh, and being really behind on this blog. I literally have a folder, marked "TO BLOG" with bazillions of files in it. Some days I look into it and think, "I'm too lazy for photos, today I'm just going to talk about the exciting world of pillow-turning". Other days, I look at them and go "eeny, meeny, miny, mo". So today, the Jones family is "mo".

If you're not in San Antonio, Leslie is Leslie Bohl Jones, news anchor for WOAI TV. A couple weekends ago, I drove down to her family ranch in Devine...(another awesome hour of alone time with my music). And she planned her shoot SO well. It really makes it fun when everyone is into it. By the end, even her husband Mike, and her DAD were coming up with ideas. That was so awesome! This next shot might be one of my top ten favorite family shots, ever. LOVE the way the cowboy hat closes the gap, and makes everyone look all smooshy.

 Shoot! Now pictures aren't loading again! Oh well, it's probably best because I'm late for a hair appointment anyway. Will try again later.  xo


The Walicks

A few of the red sofa sessions turned into multi-tasking Christmas/maternity shoots. Smart! Meet Dr. Walick and Dr. Walick. :) They came to me last year via Dr. Feinstein. I don't have time to find the link, but the funny thing is that Miss Adi had a blue lollipop in all of her shots back then, too. I think it at this point, we should make it a tradition!

 See ya tomorrow!


The Living Segment

So right before I went on camera, I spilled coffee on my shirt. When I turned around to put the cup on this wooden shelf thingy, I managed to dump the WHOLE thing out onto, AND THROUGH the slats of the shelf, onto the floor, onto the producers papers, and into someone's purse. Oh, AND, I used the towels from the Watermark spa people's set to clean it up. Shelly, are you counting down until I get to come back??? Maybe next time I'll manage to trip on a power cord and light the whole set on fire?

So here's the link if you want to sheckitout.

Also, thanks for all the nice comments about the family photos. You all are sweet. xo


Now my friends can stop making fun of the empty frames on my tables.

After being cardless last year, I was determined that no matter how busy I got in 2008, I would make time for a photo session with my own kids, thank you very much. Well, I didn't exactly make time. But I did seize the moment. We were shopping at Garden Ridge the other day, when I noticed that the outside of their building was a perfect backdrop. The light was filtered by clouds, I had my camera. The next thing I knew I ACTUALLY have photographs of my OWN children!

One of my favorite parts was noticing how differently I edited through these. Normally, I'm looking at light, and composition, exposure. This time I only looked at feelings.

Oh my, how I love them. It makes my stomach hurt a little.

Totally blurry and I so don't care.

I adore this shot so much. I want to scoop her whole little face into my hands and kiss every square inch of it a million times. Especially that delicious little double chin!

Emily trying so hard to be like the big kids. I can't even tell you how many times a day she tells me that she's not a baby.

And the timer shot! Annie has a cheeseball smile, and Mimi's ready to lose it, but MAMA GOT INTO THE PICTURE. BOO. YAH.

Want to see them all put together? I even finished our card! BOO. YAH. X2!

Keeping it SIMPLE. RIDDING myself of the ridiculous aspiration to try to make everything perfect. Because messy is more interesting anyway. So if you haven't taken your Christmas portraits yet, get to the nearest Garden Ridge parking lot, STAT!

And if you want a few extra shooting tips, tune into The Living Show tomorrow morning at 10. I'll be on, attempting to fill 4 minutes with information besides, "just push the button". Lordy.

Tracey also wrote a fabulous post for Shutter Sisters that was full of great ideas. And speaking of the sisters, make sure you visit often, because they're giving something away every day in December! How fun is that?!